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供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料









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供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图1


       登封市大冶镇双奇磨料厂是一家经国家相关部门批准 的企业,主要经营碳化硅、棕刚玉、白刚玉、黑刚玉、核桃壳、石榴石、除锈砂、铝矾土、捣打料、耐火泥等各种耐材材料及磨料。厂家拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,多年来登封市大冶镇双奇磨料厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。厂家秉持诚信态度,紧跟时代潮流开拓创新,拥有多条生产线,充分满足新老客户的需求,欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈!

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图2






       轻烧铝矾土又称轻烧粉,是净水剂聚合氯化铝的原材料,是铝矾土经过加工生产出来的矿粉材料,主要成分是氧化铝,系含有杂质的水合氧化铝,是一种土状矿物,白色或灰白色,因含铁而呈褐黄或浅红色。密度3.94g/cm3,硬度13,不透明,质脆,极难熔化;不溶于水,能溶于 、 。铝矾土常用规格:0-3mm 3-5mm 5-8mm 8-10mm 100200目等,可按客户要求进行调整。


供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图3

















供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图4



       2、精密铸造。矾土熟料加工成细粉做成铸模后精铸。用于 、航天、通讯、仪表、机械及部门。










供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图5




联 系 人:郭经理

电   话:

Q    Q : 2901034436

地   址:登封市大冶镇朝阳沟村

网   址:http:// shop 91.


供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图6


供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图7

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图8

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图9

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图10

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图11

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图12

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图13

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图14

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图15


供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图16

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图17

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图18

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图19

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图20

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图21

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图22

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图23

供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图24

Introduction of bauxite

Bauxite (commonly known as high-alumina clay or high bauxite) refers to a kind of refractory clay minerals. Refractory clay, is refers to the refractoriness is greater than 1580 , can be widely used in all kinds of industrial furnace lining materials, main ingredients for aluminium siliceous mineral raw material, alumina is the main beneficial components of bauxite, alumina content is higher, the higher refractoriness. Refractoriness of bauxite clinker with the increase of the alumina content and the increase of calcination temperature. Bauxite alumina content of 71.8, the refractoriness > 1800 .

Bauxite, often referred to as referred to in the refractory industry after calcining Al2O3 > = 48, contain low Fe2O3 bauxite, high bauxite clinker is after calcined bauxite ore. Clinker to pale yellow and dark gray, it is mainly used for high aluminum refractory material, can also be used to make the fused corundum. High bauxite clinker is according to the content of AL2O3 and Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO + MgO style, K2O + Na2O and other impurity content and clinker indicators such as volume density and bibulous to classification.

Lightly calcined bauxite is also called light burning powder, raw materials, water purifier polyaluminium chloride type bauxite is processed to produce the material, the main ingredient is aluminium oxide, hydrate alumina containing impurities, is a kind of soil minerals, white or gray, brown yellow or light red by iron. From 4 to 3.9 g/cm3 density, hardness, 1 3 is not transparent, very brittle, extremely difficult to melt; Insoluble in water, soluble in sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide solution.

Bauxite commonly used specifications: 0 to 3 mm for 3 to 5 mm 5-8 mm 8-10 mm 100 mesh, 200 mesh, etc., can be adjusted according to customer's request.


Bauxite classification

The difference between bauxite according to the physical and chemical properties. According to the main application can be divided into four categories:

1, metallurgical grade bauxite; Refers to the refining of aluminum or used in the smelting alumina bauxite, generally al-si ratio should be greater than 2.6 before use.

2, grinding grade bauxite; Mainly for the production of high alumina cement and various abrasive, abrasive.

3, refractory grade bauxite; Used in the production of a variety of shapes and monolithic refractories.

4, welding grade bauxite; Industry for the production of welding electrode.


Bauxite purposes

1, aluminium industry. Used for defense, aerospace, automotive, electrical, chemical industry, daily necessities, etc.

2, the precision casting. Alumina clinker made after mold precision casting processed into fine powder. Used in military industry, aerospace, communications, instrumentation, machinery and medical equipment department.

3, used for refractory products. High bauxite clinker as high as 1780 refractoriness, chemical stability strong, and good physical properties.

4, aluminum silicate refractory fiber. With light weight, high temperature resistance, good thermal stability, low thermal conductivity, heat capacity is small and the advantages of resistance to mechanical shock. Used in iron and steel, nonferrous metallurgy, electronics, petroleum, chemical, aerospace, atomic energy, defense and other industries. It is the high alumina clinker in the melting temperature of about 2000 2200 high temperature electric arc furnace, via high pressure of high temperature melting, high-speed air or steam injection, cooling, became a white cotton - silicate aluminum refractory fiber. It can be pressed into fiber blanket, board or woven cloth instead of smelting, chemical industry, glass and other industrial furnace lining brick. Firefighters available refractory fiber cloth to make clothes.

5, magnesia and bauxite clinker as raw material, adding proper binder, used for pouring ladle whole ladle lining has particularly good effects.

6, manufacture alumina cement, abrasive materials, ceramic industry and chemical industry can be of aluminum compounds.

 供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料示例图25




联 系 人:郭经理

电   话:

Q    Q : 2901034436

地   址:登封市大冶镇朝阳沟村

网   址:http:// shop 91.


The town of dengfeng city daye double abrasive factory

Touch: Guo Jingli


Q Q: 2901034436

Address: daye town chaoyang ditch village of dengfeng city

Web site: http:// shop 91.

耐火温度 1770~2000℃℃
产地 河南
品牌 双奇
产品类别 铝矾土
材质 铝矿石
导热系数(常温) 0.03
等级 一级
低温弯折≤ 0.8
断裂伸长率 1
抗弯强度 6.0
抗压强度 7
拉伸强度 6.5
使用温度 200
撕裂强度 5.5
形态 层状
形状 不规则
规格 各种规格mm
适用范围 耐火材料
种类 铝矾土
粒度 3-5 8-10





供应优质铝矾土 登封铝矾土 铝矾土生料 熟料

¥ 0.70 ~ ¥ 0.90


¥ 0.70


* 采购数量
* 联系信息

