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规格: 500~2000mm
西安相远科技有限公司 代理德国IA液位计 阿牛巴流量计 高经理/ QQ2628879629
Pressure sensors are classified as Differential Pressure
sensors for flow measurement.
The measuring principle of the pitot tube utilizes the
differences between the pressure ridge on the upstream side
of a bluff body and the static pressure on its down stream side.
ITABAR-pitot tube sensors, see sample Fig 1.1, are mainly
used to measure the volumetric flow of liquids, gases and
steam in closed pipes ranging from ½“ to 480“ (DN 20 to DN
Examples of their applications are precise volumetric flow
measurement in batch processes, continuous measurement of
liquid ingredients in the process industry, fuel, air, steam and
gases as primary energy source as well as in control functions
requiring a high degree of stability and repeatability.
Examplary in comparsion to almost all other flow measuring
instruments is the ITABAR-sensor’s ease of installation. The
installation consists of these steps: drilling of the pipe, weld-olet is welded on to the pipe, ITABAR is inserted. Models FloTap FT , see Fig 1.2, allows installation and removal without
shutting the process down.
ITABAR-pitot tube sensors were developed with the goal of
high reliability even under difficult conditions. ITABAR-pitot
tube sensors are optimized in several ways with respect to
fluid stream conditions. Advantages of the engineered sensor
profile are their low permanent pressure loss as well as the
constistent measurement accuracy over a wide range of
Reynolds numbers.
For over two decades ITABAR-pitot tube sensors have been
applied in the industrial world. Their examplary reliability and
excellent long-term use record resulted in broad acceptance
by customers. Many measurements by independent institutes
are testimony to the ITABA-sensor’s high measuring accuracy.


一级授权皮托管式阿牛巴流量计 IBFD-25-ID305
¥ 17500.00 ~ ¥ 18000.00
¥ 17500.00
