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¥ 3520.00

规格: 3G36×6C2R46W21
双出口三螺杆泵3G36×6C2R46W21 流量:2.52m3/h 压力:6.3Mpa 水电泵-泊远东
符号 | 结构说明 | 适用范围 | |
U | 内置滚动轴承 | - | 介质润滑性良好,温度小于80℃ |
1.0 | 骨架油封 | - | 介质润滑性良好,立式安装 |
2.0 | 2机械密封材料组合为硬对石墨 | 0表示密封的结构型式(不同型式机封按顺序号依次排列,如2.1,2.2) | 介质润滑性良好,温度小于80℃ |
材料组合代码 | 泵体 | 衬套 | 材料组合代码 | 泵体 | 衬套 |
W11 | HT200 | HT200 | W14 | HT200 | ZL109 |
W12 | HT200 | ZCuSn5Pb5Zn5 | W22 | 焊接Q235 | ZCuSn5Pb5Zn5 |
3G型三螺杆泵是转子型容积泵,适于输送各种不含固体颗粒,无腐蚀性油类及类似油的润滑性液体、输送液体粘度2~760mm2/s,温度不超过80℃,超过80℃可用高温泵3GW型。3 g type is three screw pump rotor type positive displacement pump, is suitable for conveying various not containing solid particles, non-corrosive oil lubricity and similar oil liquid, conveying liquid viscosity was 2 to 760 / s, temperature not over 80℃, more than 80℃high temperature pump available 3 gw type.
3G型三螺杆具有多种结构,一般小流量泵衬套和泵体合为一个,可以卧式和立式安装。进油口方向可相隔90°任意安装,轴封多数为机构密封。中等流量以上泵,衬套为一个单独的零件固定于泵体内,螺杆轴端装有平衡环以液力平衡其轴向力。一般结构为卧式。进油口方向亦可以相隔90°任意安装。改变泵体后可制成立式。轴封根据情况有机械密封和软填料密封两种结构。Three screw with multiple structure of 3 g, general small flow pump bushings and pump body into one, can be installed in a horizontal and vertical.Oil inlet direction can be 90°apart any installation, most of the shaft sealing seal for your organization.The medium flow in pump, bushing as a separate component fixed in the pump body, screw shaft end is equipped with the gimbal ring to hydraulic balance the axial force.The general structure is horizontal.Inlet direction also can be 90°apart any installation.After the change of pump body can be made into vertical.Depending on the situation of the shaft sealing with mechanical seal and soft packing seal two structures.
3G型三螺杆泵轴伸支承较小,应由原动机经弹性联轴器直接驱动,不得用皮带轮等会产生额外径向力较大的传动方式传动。3 g type three-screw pump shaft and bearing is small, should be driven by a prime mover directly by the elastic coupling, shall not be used pulley will produce additional radial force large transmission way.
●3G三螺杆泵输送各种油类时应注意事项:When conveying various oil matters should be paid attention to:
1、输送40~150mm2/s的油类 合适,允许按泵的 高工作压力使用。2、输送40mm2/s以下的油类,为保证泵的流量及寿命应降压使用。3、输送150mm2/s以上的油类,且进油管道过长,弯头过多,泵工作时如产生噪音或振动现象,则应考虑更换低一级转速的电机运转或缩短吸入管道,减少弯头。1, delivery was 40 ~ 150 / s best oils, permitted to use according to the maximum working pressure of pump.2, transmission oil, under 40 was/s in order to ensure the pump flow and life should be used antihypertensive.3, transmission of more than 150 was/s oils, and the oil inlet pipe is too long, too much bend, such as noise or vibration phenomenon when the pump work, should consider to replace the low level of rotational speed of motor operation or shorten the suction pipe, reducing elbow.
输送润滑脂泵 | 2CY-5/0.33齿轮泵 | 临海市江海造船有限公司 |
水电专用螺杆泵 | 3G36*6C2 | 临海市宏盛造船有限公司 |
输送齿轮油泵 | 2CY-0.6/0.6齿轮泵 | 南通港闸船舶制造有限公司 |
输送柴油降凝剂泵 | SNH660R46K2W2三螺杆泵头 | 重庆东风船舶工业公司 |
汽轮机润滑油泵 | 2CY-1.08/0.6齿轮泵 | 吉宝(南通)船厂有限公司 |
汽轮机调速器润滑油泵 | SMH210R46E6.7W28三螺杆泵头 | 重庆市泽胜船务(集团)有限公司 |
船用柴油机喷油泵 | 2CY-4.2/2.5齿轮泵 | 南京永华船业有限公司 |
水泥厂窑头点 供油泵 | 2CY-5/0.33齿轮泵 | 湖北华舟有限公司 |
水电专用螺杆泵 | 3G36*6C2 | 荣成伽耶船业有限公司 |
输送絮凝剂泵 | 2CY-7.5/2.5齿轮泵 | 宁波市东方船舶修造有限公司 |
输送合成树脂泵 | SMH80R36E6.7W23三螺杆泵 | 中国长江航运集团宜昌船厂 |
水电专用螺杆泵 | NYP220B-RU-T2-W11高粘度泵 | 浙江合兴船厂 |
输送润滑脂泵 | SMH80R42E6.7W21三螺杆泵 | 九江同方江新造船有限责任公司 |
污泥泵 | G40-1V-W110单螺杆泵 | 荣成市泓运船业有限公司 |
水电专用螺杆泵 | 3G36*6C2 | 宜昌达门船舶有限公司 |
输送润滑脂泵 | 2CY-2/1.45齿轮泵 | 国营青岛造船厂 |
水电专用螺杆泵 | 3G36*6C2 | 靖江南洋船舶制造有限公司 |
●3G型三螺杆泵安装要求:3 g type three-screw pump installation requirements:
1、安装前应检查泵的油封是否良好,并检查泵在运输中是否损坏,可用手转动联轴器是否有卡劲现象,如有则应拆泵进行清洗,修理和校正。1, before installation should check whether the oil seal of the pump is good, and check the pump is damaged in transportation, turn the coupling usable hand card trouble phenomenon, if there is any should tear open pump for cleaning, repair and calibration.2、安装泵的进油和排油管道时,其管径不得小于泵的进油和出油口口径,进油管道不得过长,弯头不得过多,否则将影响泵的工作状态。2, installation of pump suction and discharge of oil pipe, the pipe diameter shall not be less than the oil inlet of the pump and the oil outlet diameter, inlet pipe shall not be too long, elbow shall not too much, otherwise will affect the pump working condition.3、当有两台以上的泵安装在同一条主管线上,为便于泵的启动,在近泵的排油管上必须安装逆止阀。3, when more than two head of pump installed in the e line, to facilitate pump start-up, in close to the oil drain pump must be installed on a non-return valve.4、对于在较高温度(指60℃以上)下输送粘度大的油类(如:重油)的备用泵,必须是热备用泵,否则泵在低温下启动会造成电机过载或泵损坏。(建议在靠近泵的排油管上的逆止阀旁,并联安装一个小回流阀,对备用泵可微启回流阀,使泵缓慢逆转,其逆转速≤100转/分,使部分热油经常流过泵内,达到泵热备用目的)。4, for under high temperature (above 60℃) conveying the viscosity of oil (such as: heavy oil) of the standby pump, it must be hot standby pump, otherwise the pump at low temperature can cause the damage of motor overload or pump.(suggest near the exhaust non-return valve on the tubing pump, a small return valve installed in parallel, differentiable and the backflow preventer to standby pump, the pump slow reversal, the reverse speed 100 r/min or less, often make some hot oil flows through the pump, to pump hot standby purposes).5、输送介质内含有机械杂质。将严重影响泵的运转和降低使用寿命,因此在泵安装前,必须仔细清除进油管内的焊渣,沙粒等杂质,并应在进油管道靠近泵处安装滤器,滤器网孔大小,可根据工作情况及介质粘度确定。(一般可用40~80目网),过滤面积一般不得小于进油管横截面积的20倍。5, mechanical impurity is contained within the transmission medium.Will seriously affect the operation and reduce the service life of pump, so before the pump installation, must be carefully clean up the feed tube welding slag, impurities such as grains of sand, and shall be installed in the inlet pipe near the pump filter, filter mesh size, is decided according to the working condition and medium viscosity.Available (40 ~ 80 mesh net), filter area generally shall not be less than 20 times into the cross-sectional area of the tubing 6、尽量在泵进油和排油口处的螺纹孔上连接压力表和真空表,以便于观察泵的运转状态。6, as far as possible in the pump suction and discharge of oil on the threaded hole mouth connect pressure gauge and vacuum gauge, in order to observe the pump running state.7、原动机与泵的转轴必须在同一中心线上,可用直尺测隙规在联轴器圆周上间隔90°处检查。8、原动机与泵的转向必须一致,严格禁止原动机驱动泵逆转。电机接线时,应先脱开电机与泵的联轴器,对电机作试运转。使其转向与泵的转向标志一致。7, prime mover and the pump shaft must be in the e center line, available ruler feeler gauge in the coupling of the circumference of a circle by 90°in check.8, steering engine and pump must be consistent, strictly prohibited prime motor driven pump reversal.Electrical wiring, should first release coupling of motor and pump, a test run on the motor.The steering pump and steering sign agreement
3G型三螺杆泵是转子型容积泵,适于输送各种不含固体颗粒,无腐蚀性油类及类似油的润滑性液体、输送液体粘度2~760mm2/s,温度不超过80℃,超过80℃可用高温泵3GW型。3 g type is three screw pump rotor type positive displacement pump, is suitable for conveying various not containing solid particles, non-corrosive oil lubricity and similar oil liquid, conveying liquid viscosity was 2 to 760 / s, temperature not over 80℃, more than 80℃high temperature pump available 3 gw type.
3G型三螺杆具有多种结构,一般小流量泵衬套和泵体合为一个,可以卧式和立式安装。进油口方向可相隔90°任意安装,轴封多数为机构密封。中等流量以上泵,衬套为一个单独的零件固定于泵体内,螺杆轴端装有平衡环以液力平衡其轴向力。一般结构为卧式。进油口方向亦可以相隔90°任意安装。改变泵体后可制成立式。轴封根据情况有机械密封和软填料密封两种结构。Three screw with multiple structure of 3 g, general small flow pump bushings and pump body into one, can be installed in a horizontal and vertical.Oil inlet direction can be 90°apart any installation, most of the shaft sealing seal for your organization.The medium flow in pump, bushing as a separate component fixed in the pump body, screw shaft end is equipped with the gimbal ring to hydraulic balance the axial force.The general structure is horizontal.Inlet direction also can be 90°apart any installation.After the change of pump body can be made into vertical.Depending on the situation of the shaft sealing with mechanical seal and soft packing seal two structures.
3G型三螺杆泵轴伸支承较小,应由原动机经弹性联轴器直接驱动,不得用皮带轮等会产生额外径向力较大的传动方式传动。3 g type three-screw pump shaft and bearing is small, should be driven by a prime mover directly by the elastic coupling, shall not be used pulley will produce additional radial force large transmission way.
●3G三螺杆泵输送各种油类时应注意事项:When conveying various oil matters should be paid attention to:
1、输送40~150mm2/s的油类 合适,允许按泵的 高工作压力使用。2、输送40mm2/s以下的油类,为保证泵的流量及寿命应降压使用。3、输送150mm2/s以上的油类,且进油管道过长,弯头过多,泵工作时如产生噪音或振动现象,则应考虑更换低一级转速的电机运转或缩短吸入管道,减少弯头。1, delivery was 40 ~ 150 / s best oils, permitted to use according to the maximum working pressure of pump.2, transmission oil, under 40 was/s in order to ensure the pump flow and life should be used antihypertensive.3, transmission of more than 150 was/s oils, and the oil inlet pipe is too long, too much bend, such as noise or vibration phenomenon when the pump work, should consider to replace the low level of rotational speed of motor operation or shorten the suction pipe, reducing elbow.
螺杆泵有以下优点:1)压力和流量范围宽阔。压力约在3.4-340千克力/cm 2,流量可达18600cm3/分;2)运送液体的种类和粘度范围宽广;3)因为泵内的回转部件惯性力较低,故可使用很高的转速;4)吸入性能好,具有自吸能力;5)流量均匀连续,振动小,噪音低;6)与其它回转泵相比,对进入的气体和污物不太敏感;7)结构坚实,安装保养容易。rate of up to 18600 cubic cm/min;2) wide range of delivery and type of liquid viscosity;3) because the rotary inertia force component inside the pump is low, so it can be used in high speed;4) inhalation can good, have since
螺杆泵的缺点是,螺杆的加工和装配要求较高;泵的性能对液体的粘度变化比较敏感。Screw pump has the following advantages: 1) the wide range of pressure and flow.Pressure about 3.4-340 kg/cm 2, flow
Suction capacity;5) flow uniformly continuous, little vibration, low noise;6) compared with other rotary pump, less sensitive to enter gas and dirt;7) solid structure, installation and maintenance easy.The screw pump\'s disadvantage is that the screw processing and assembling the demand is higher;The performance of the pump is more sensitive to the viscosity of the liquid change.
特点:★定子与转子接触的螺旋封线将收入腔与排出腔完全分开,使泵具有阀门的隔断作用★可实现液、气、固体的多相混输★泵内流体流动时容积不发生变化,没有瑞流搅动和脉★弹性定子形成的容积腔能有效地降低输送含固体颗粒介质时的磨耗★输入介地粘度可达50000Mpa·s含固量可达50%★流量与转速正比,借助调速器可实现量的自动调节,泵可以正反输送。Painted features: the stator and rotor contact of spiral sealing line cavity will income which is completely separated from the discharge chamber, make the pump valve painted the partition function can realize the liquid, gas, solid multiphase painted on the pump fluid flow within the volume does not change, no red painted flow agitation and pulse volume formed by elastic stator cavity can effectively reduce the abrasion when conveying medium containing solid particles taken the input interface to viscosity of up to 50000 mpa s. painted solid content of 50% is proportional to flow rate and rotational speed, with the help of governor can realize automatic adjustment of the pump can be positive and negative transfer.
螺杆泵具有以下优点:1.和离心泵相比螺杆泵无需安装阀们流量是稳定的线性流动;2. 和柱塞泵相比螺杆泵具有自吸能力强、吸入高度强;3.和隔膜泵相比螺杆泵可输送各种混合杂质含有气体及固体颗粒或纤维的介质,也可输送各种腐蚀性物质;4. 和齿轮相比,螺杆泵可输送高粘度的物质;5.和柱塞泵,隔膜泵及齿轮泵不同的是,螺杆泵可用于药剂填充和计量.Screw pump has the following advantages: 1. Compared with screw pump and centrifugal pump doesn\'t need to install the valve flow is stable linear flow;2. Compared with those of screw pump plunger pump self-priming capability is strong, strong suction height;3. Compared with the diaphragm pump screw pump can transport all kinds of gas and solid particle mixing impurities or fiber medium, also can transport all kinds of corrosive substance;4. Compared with gear, screw pump can transport high viscosity material;5. And plunger pump, diaphragm pump and the gear pump, screw pump can be used in the pharmaceutical filling and metering.
由于部件通用组合系列化有多种结构,可用于卧式,法兰式和立式安装。 根据所输送介质需要还可提供加热或冷却结构。热设备中用做燃油喷油,燃油供应和输送泵。在机械工业中用做液压,润滑和遥控马达泵。
在化学石油化工和食品工业中用做装载,输送和供液泵。在船舶上用做输送、增压、燃油喷射和润滑油泵以及船用液压装置泵。 Because there are many parts general combination series structure, can be used for horizontal, flange and vertical installation.According to the need to still can provide heating or cooling medium structure.Thermal equipment used in the fuel injection and fuel supply and transfer pump.In the mechanical industry used as hydraulic, lubrication and pump remote control motors.In the chemical petroleum chemical industry and food industry used as loading, transportation and feed liquid pump.On the ship for delivery, pressurization, fuel injection, and lubricating oil pump and Marine hydraulic gear pump.
三螺杆泵特点及优点:(1)压力和流量范围宽阔,流量范围0.2~320m3/h 高工作压力可达5MPa;(2)运送液体的种类和粘度范围宽广,粘度范围1mm2/s-760mm2/s;(3)因为三螺杆泵内的回转部件惯性力较低,故可使用很高的转速;(4)吸入性能好,具有很强的自吸能力;(5)流量均匀连续,振动小,噪音低,几乎没有脉动;(6)三螺杆泵结构坚实,安装方便有(卧式、立式、法兰式、插装式)保养容易;(7)三螺杆泵具有很强的耐热性,一般工作温度是(1~250°C)超过此温度需特制;(8)根据所输送介质需要还可提供加热或冷却结构;(9)三螺杆泵几乎没有磨损,三螺杆泵只要选型正确,使用寿命长。(10)三螺杆泵的工作效率高。Three screw pump features and advantages: (1) a wide range of pressure and flow, flow range of 0.2 ~ 320 m3 / h top working pressure of 5 mpa;(2) wide range of delivery and type of liquid viscosity, viscosity range 1 was/was/s - 760 s;(3) because the rotary inertia force component inside the three screw pump is low, it can use the high speed;(4) inhalation can good, strong self-priming capacity;(5) flow uniformly continuous, little vibration, low noise, little pulse;(6) three screw pump structure solid, easy installation with (horizontal, vertical, flange, cartridge) easy maintenance.Three screw pump (7) has strong heat resistance, the general working temperature is (1 ~ 250°C) beyond the temperature should be specially;(8) according to the needs of the medium can also provide heating or cooling structure;(9) three screw pump almost no wear and tear, three screw pump through proper selection, long service life.High efficiency of three screw pump (10).
双出口三螺杆泵3G36×6C2R46W21 流量:2.52m3/h 压力:6.3Mpa 水电泵-泊远东


双出口三螺杆泵3G36×6C2R46W21 流量:2.52m3/h 压力:6.3Mpa 水电泵-泊远东
¥ 3520.00
¥ 3520.00
