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¥ 14180.00

规格: SMH40R46U12.1W28
河北远东泵业 植物油输送泵 用SMH40R46U12.1W28 三螺杆泵 应用于多家植物油生产厂家
河北远东泵业制造有限公司坐落于铸造名乡—河北省泊头市。公司占地面积38650平方米,建筑面积20300平方米,是国内 的集设计、铸造、生产、销售、服务于一体的容积泵专业制造厂家。公司始建于1984年,有二十几年专业研制经验。目前产品设计采用国际先进水平实体设计软件;产品研发、制造、检验、交付按照ISO9001质量管理体系控制过程质量;产品制造广泛使用加工中心、数控机床、专用精机、高精设备;检测设备拥有显微镜、渐开线检测仪、光学投影仪、 测齿仪、脉冲辉光离子氮化炉等大型检测设备,并建有国家B级试验站。本厂以 的产品水平、优质的售后服务、恪守信用而在市场上倍受欢迎,产品畅销不衰,赢得了用户的普遍赞誉。公司已通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,中国船级社CCS型式认证,法国船级社BV产品工厂认证,美国船级社ABS产品质量认证,成为中石油物资资源市场成员、中石化物资资源市场成员。河北省知名产品生产企业,船用泵产品承制企业。
3. 率。
a. 润滑性液体:如机械油,滑油,重油,渣油
b. 低润滑性液体:如轻柴油,重柴油,含蜡稀油
c. 粘性液体:如各种合成橡胶液和人造胶液,乳化液
d. 根据所输送介质需要还可提供加热或冷却结构。
●运费说明: 1.本公司常规产品1-3天发货,特殊要求或者需定做的产品发货时间已与客户协商为准,
为了保护您的利益,我们已经提醒客户在收到货物时,要开箱验货,如在打开验货时发现货物丢失,损害或者不符,请拒 签收,您签收就代表已准确无误的收到后屋,若在签收货物之后才发现货物丢失或者不符,如不负责.
客户收到后,如果产品存在质量问题,请在收货后7天内联系我公司,提供相关质量问题图片,我公司将在 时间给您退货或者换货,因为我公司已经在发货前已经仔细检查过,所以过期将不提供此项服务,还请谅解.
公司采用 GB/T19001-2008 idt ISO9001:2008 标准 , 产品通过中国船级社 CCS 船检认证 , 法国船级社 BV 认证 , 并为中国石油天然气集团公司物资供应商 .
本公司在生产和检测中采用的主要生产工艺:车、铣、磨、热处理、尺寸检验、工装检验、定型刀具的型线放大 50 倍检验、螺杆啮合检验 , 泵的性能试验设施 (B 级试验台 )
1.本公司常规产品1-3天发货,特殊要求或者需定做的产品发货时间已与客户协商为准, 2.泵运费方式有两种:快递和物流.小泵和小型配件发快递,其余体积较大,数量较多,推荐走专线物流货运,一般南方,中部地区及沿海地区3-5天左右到达.西部,北部较远的地区以及少数二次中转地区5-8天左右可到,具体覆盖范围请咨询公司客服人员.安装使用:请您根据产品说明书的步骤进行操作,如有问题,请联系我公司.为了保护您的利益,我们已经提醒客户在收到货物时,要开箱验货,如在打开验货时发现货物丢失,损害或者不符,请拒 签收,您签收就代表已准确无误的收到后屋,若在签收货物之后才发现货物丢失或者不符,如不负责. 客户收到货后,产品无法安装或者规格有误,本公司提供退货或者换货服务,退货或者换货的客户请保证货物的完好无损,并承担往返运费. 客户收到后,如果产品存在质量问题,请在收货后7天内联系我公司,提供相关质量问题图片,我公司将在 时间给您退货或者换货,因为我公司已经在发货前已经仔细检查过,所以过期将不提供此项服务,还请谅解.
输送柴油降凝剂泵 | SNH660R46K2W2三螺杆泵头 | 广州珠江化工集团有限公司 |
输送橡胶泵 | 2CY-1.08/0.6齿轮泵 | 青岛国人集团有限公司 |
汽轮机调速器润滑油泵 | SMH210R46E6.7W28三螺杆泵头 | 陕西榆林 化工有限责任公司 |
输送 泵 | 2CY-4.2/2.5齿轮泵 | 贵州中化开磷化肥有限公司 |
水泥厂窑头点 供油泵 | 2CY-5/0.33齿轮泵 | 广西鹿寨化肥有限责任公司 |
输送聚乙酰胺泵 | SMH40R46E6.7W23泵头 | 山东尚舜化工有限公司 |
输送絮凝剂泵 | 2CY-7.5/2.5齿轮泵 | 浙江嘉化工业园投资发展有限公司 |
输送合成树脂泵 | SMH80R36E6.7W23三螺杆泵 | 陕西兴化集团有限责任公司 |
输送 树脂泵 | NYP220高粘度泵 | 重庆民丰化工有限责任公司 |
输送润滑脂泵 | SMH80R42E6.7W21三螺杆泵 | 山东泰山轮胎公司 |
污泥泵 | G40-1V-W110单螺杆泵 | 湖南湘维有限公司 |
输送表面活性剂泵 | 2CY-1.1/14.5齿轮泵 | 大庆高新技术产业开发区南天实业有限公司 |
输送润滑脂泵 | 2CY-2/1.45齿轮泵 | 株洲兴隆化工实业有限公司 |
输送齿轮油泵 | 2CY-3.3/0.33齿轮泵 | 河北盛华化工有限公司 |
输送灰膏泵 | SMH40R38E6.7W23三螺杆泵 | 河北精信化工集团有限公司 |
耐磨液压油泵 | 2CY-8/0.33齿轮泵 | 四川川恒化工股份有限公司 |
输送 泵 | 2CY-12/0.33齿轮泵 | 中国平煤能源化工集团飞行化工有限公司 |
输送涂料泵 | SNF210R46U12.1W2泵头 | 通化化工股份有限公司 |
输送植物油泵 | 2CY-29/0.36齿轮泵 | 浙江华泰塑胶股份有限公司 |
输送棕榈油泵 | SPF20R38G10W21三螺杆泵头 | 甘肃银达化工有限公司 |
变压器油泵 | 2CY-38/0.28齿轮泵 | 临沂久泰能源化工有限公司 |
可可油泵 | 2CY-58/0.28齿轮泵 | 南宁化工股份有限公司 |
炭黑油循环泵 | SPF20R38G10FW21三螺杆泵头 | 湖北嘉辉化工集团有限公司 |
河北远东泵业 植物油输送泵 用SMH40R46U12.1W28 三螺杆泵 应用于多家植物油生产厂家
③ 次启动应向泵内注入输送液体,保证各摩擦处有足够的润滑油。
螺杆泵 可关闭进、出口阀门停车。如果输送介质是燃料油,停车后泵及管路应进行扫除,特别是泵内各回油孔应彻底清扫,以免堵塞影响泵的正常工作。
② 如长期存放或保管不当,泵已产生锈蚀,应该拆开重新清洗。去掉氧化皮,装配过程中零件表面涂上油,以防锈蚀。
①输送(3-20〞E(36.2-148cst)的油类 合适,允许按泵的 高工作压力使用。
② 输送3°E(36.2cst)以下的油类,为保证泵的流量及寿命应降低压力使用。
③输送20°E(148cst)以上的油类,且进油管是过长,弯头过多,泵工作时如产生噪音或振动现象,则应考虑更换 级转速的电机运转,缩短吸入管道,减少弯头。
螺杆泵的适用范围很广,被广泛的应用于海上平台工程、石油化工、航运、电力、机械、液压系统、食品、造纸、制糖、 、医药、造船、机床、采矿、环保和污水处理等各种工业部门当中,发挥了巨大作用,具有很高的使用价值。螺杆泵特点是:流量平稳,压力脉动小,能够自吸,噪声低,效率高,使用寿命长,工作可靠。此外螺杆泵还具有结构简单,零件少,体积紧凑,重量轻等一系列特点。而螺杆泵在工作时 为突出的优点是输送介质时不会形成涡流、可输送粘度范围宽广的各种介质,对输送介质不敏感,既可以输送各种粘度的润滑性或腐蚀性介质,也可以输送各种粘度的非牛顿液体,特别是有的双螺杆泵还可以输送气液混合物,这对油田输送成分复杂的原油具有重要意义。毫不夸张的说,螺杆泵可以输送任何介质。目前在许多领域螺杆泵已经逐步取代齿轮泵、离心泵等,产生了很高的价值。
螺杆泵按螺杆数目通常分为单、双、三和五螺杆泵,各有优缺点,在应用时必须根据所需要求进行合理的选择才能充分利用其各自特点,更好的实现节能、节材、增效益或满足某种特殊应用要求。本设计研究对象是三螺杆泵。Positive displacement pump including reciprocating pump, gear pump and screw pump, centrifugal pumps and axial flow pump belong to pump power.In this paper, the author studies on three-screw pump belongs to the positive displacement pump, it has to do with centrifugal pump, reciprocating pump, gear pump, vane pump and so on, has the obvious superiority in some ways.Along with the defense science, technology and moreCrescent, in some special occasions, general pump can not meet the needs of special occasions, research and development, the production of screw pump have entered a new period.Scope of application of screw pump is very wide, is widely used in maritime platform engineering, petrochemical industry, shipping, electric power, machinery, hydraulic system, food, papermaking, sugar-making, military industry, medicine, shipbuilding, machine tools, mining, environmental protection and age treatment and other industrial departments, played a huge role, has the veryThe use of high value.Screw pump features are: smooth flow, small pressure fluctuation, imbibition, low noise, high efficiency, long service life and reliable operation.In addition screw pump has simple structure, less parts, compact size, light weight and a series of characteristics.While the screw pump is the most prominent advantage at workNo vortex formed during medium, may transport viscosity range wide variety of media, is not sensitive to the medium, can convey various viscosity lubricity or corrosive medium, also can convey various viscosity of non-newtonian fluid, especially some double screw pump can also be conveying gas-liquid mixture and the oil conveyingPoints of complex oil is of great significance.Literally, the screw pump can transport any medium.The screw pump in many fields has gradually replaced the gear pump and centrifugal pump, the high value.Screw pump according to the number of screw is usually divided into single, double, three and five screw pump, each have advantages and disadvantages, the application must be reasonable choice according to the needs of the required to make full use of their respective characteristics, better implementation of energy saving, material saving, increasing benefits, or meet the requirements of a particular application.This design research object is the three screw pump.
使用维护说明Use the maintenance instructions
① 启动前检查全部管路法兰、接头的密封性,要求严密不漏。before the start of check all pipe flange, joint sealing, require not leak tight.
② 转动联轴器,检查泵的转动是否灵活:如有别劲或卡住等不良现象,应拆泵排除。turn the coupling, check whether the pump rotation is flexible: unhealthy phenomenon, such as different strength or stuck, should tear open pump out.
③ 次启动应向泵内注入输送液体,保证各摩擦处有足够的润滑油。for the first time should start to infuse conveying liquid pump and guarantee the friction have enough oil.
④ 启动前应全开吸入和排出管路中所有的阀们,严禁闭阀启动。before the start of all valve in the suction and discharge line should be fully open, it is strictly prohibited to start closing valve.
⑤上述准备工作完后,可接通电源,直接启动泵。After the above preparation, can be connected to the power and start the pump directly.
⑥严禁空转运行。No idling operation.
① 如泵和电机的声音异常(或电流表指针迅速上升)应立即停车,查出原因。as the voice of the pump and motor abnormalities (or ammeter pointer rapidly rising) should immediately stop, find out the reason.
② 出口压力不得超过泵的工作压力。discharge pressure shall not exceed the pump working pressure.
③安全阀在出厂前已调好,不得随意调动。safety valve has been set, before they go out may not arbitrarily transfer.
④如管路系统发生故障,使安全阀回流,应立即停车排除故障。一般安全阀全回流时间不得超过三分钟。因时间过长泵内温度急剧升高,严重影响泵的寿命,甚至使泵“咬死”损坏。such as pipeline system failure, make the safety valve reflux, should immediately stop troubleshooting.General relief valve total reflux time shall not exceed 3 minutes.For a long time inside the pump temperature rise sharply, seriously affecting the life of the pump, even damage of pump "killed".
⑤轴封处点滴泄漏是正常现象,如漏油量大于10毫升时,应停车排除故障。of the shaft sealing drip leakage is a normal phenomenon, such as flow rate is more than 10 ml, should stop troubleshooting.
⑥如泵“咬死”应立即切断电源,以防电机烧坏。such as pump "killed" shall be immediately cut off power supply, to prevent motor burn out.
螺杆泵 可关闭进、出口阀门停车。如果输送介质是燃料油,停车后泵及管路应进行扫除,特别是泵内各回油孔应彻底清扫,以免堵塞影响泵的正常工作。
Screw pump can not close the valve at the inlet and outlet of the parking.If the medium is the fuel oil, after stopping pumps and piping should be clear, in particular, when the pump shall be completely clean the oil return hole, so as to avoid blocking the normal operation of the pump.
①存放泵的仓库应保持干燥,通风良好,以免发生锈蚀。to the warehouse where the pump should be kept dry, well ventilated, lest produce rust.
② 如长期存放或保管不当,泵已产生锈蚀,应该拆开重新清洗。去掉氧化皮,装配过程中零件表面涂上油,以防锈蚀。such as long stored or improper safekeeping, pump has produce corrosion, should be apart to clean.Remove scale, in the process of assembly parts surface oil, in case of rust.
水压试验Hydrostatic test
我厂在成品泵完成后,需要进行水压试验,在进口法兰处装入端盖,对于45B的三螺杆泵,通入0.6MPa的大气压,把整个成品泵沉入水中,观察是否有气泡。得到泵体、后盖、密封压盖等零部件处是否因为铸件沙眼、密封不够、螺丝松牙等原因漏气。I plant after completion of the finished product pump, water pressure test is required, at the inlet flange at the load end cover, three screw pump for 45 b, ventilation with atmospheric pressure of 0.6 MPa, the entire finished product pump submerged in the water, observe whether there is a bubble.Get the pump body, back cover, gland and other parts to inquire whether because the casting trachoma, seal is not enough, due to reasons such as flat screw loose teeth.
选泵要点Optional pump points
①首先应根据油品的粘度选择适当的泵转速,以保证泵的粘度能满足用户的实际吸入条件。the first select the appropriate pump speed should be based on the viscosity of the product, to ensure that the viscosity of the pump can satisfy the user\'s actual suction conditions.
②介质粘度V>760 /s,请与我厂联系,我厂帮助用户选泵。medium viscosity V > 760 / s, please contact our factory, our factory to help users choose the pump.
③从性能表中选定泵的规格及相应粘度下的压力流量后,可以查到泵的配套电机功率。Selected in the table (3) from the performance of the specifications of the pump and the corresponding viscosity under pressure flow, you can check the pump motor power.
④样本安装尺寸均为卧式安装尺寸,若需其余形式安装尺寸请与我厂联系。the installation size of ples for horizontal installation size, if you need the rest of the installation dimensions form please contact with our factory.
⑤我厂可根据客户的实际需要设计特殊尺寸。Our factory can design according to customer\'s actual needs special size.
⑥泵的进口需加装过滤器,过滤器过流面积应为泵进口截面积的7~13倍,过滤目数应为:轻油80~100,润滑油60~80目,重油40目。pump imports to be equipped with filter, filter over-current area shall be the pump inlet area of 7 ~ 13 times, filter mesh should be followed: light oil 80 ~ 100, 60 ~ 80 mesh of lubricating oil, heavy oil 40 mesh.


河北远东泵业 植物油输送泵 用SMH40R46U12.1W28 三螺杆泵 应用于多家植物油生产厂家
¥ 14180.00
¥ 14180.00
