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¥ 5640.00

规格: NYP110-RU-T1-W11
河北远东泵业制造有限公司坐落于铸造名乡河北省泊头市。公司占地面积38650平方米,建筑面积20300平方米,是国内 的集设计、铸造、生产、销售、服务于一体的容积泵专业制造厂家。公司始建于1984年,有二十几年专业研制经验。目前产品设计采用国际先进水平实体设计软件;产品研发、制造、检验、交付按照ISO9001质量管理体系控制过程质量;产品制造广泛使用加工中心、数控机床、专用精机、高精设备;检测设备拥有显微镜、渐开线检测仪、光学投影仪、 测齿仪、脉冲辉光离子氮化炉等大型检测设备,并建有国家B级试验站。本厂以 的产品水平、优质的售后服务、恪守信用而在市场上倍受欢迎,产品畅销不衰,赢得了用户的普遍赞誉。公司已通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,中国船级社CCS型式认证,法国船级社BV产品工厂认证,美国船级社ABS产品质量认证,中国渔业船舶检验局船用泵认证,成为中石油物资资源市场成员、中石化物资资源市场成员。河北省知名产品生产企业,船用泵产品承制企业。
高粘度齿轮泵并不能产生压力,它只是输出流量。压力低或无压力,说明高粘度齿 轮泵没有吸入液体或泄漏严重。High viscosity gear pump does not generate pressure, it is only the output flow.Pressure is low or no pressure, high viscosity gear wheel pump don't inhale the liquid or leakage is serious.
电动机输出功率偏小、齿 轮泵排量选得过大或压力调得过高时,也会造成压力不足 当然,压力表损坏或压力表节流孔堵塞时也显示不出压力,此时可换装一个新的压力表检查。Small motor output power, gear wheel pump capacity to choose too large or pressure too high, can cause stress Pressure gauge damage or pressure gauge orifice jams, of course, also could not show pressure, can change a new pressure gauge to check at this time.
如果确认泵无流量输出,可能是由于泵安装有误、泵的转向不对,或吸人侧(进液口及吸液管道)堵塞、出口止回阀装反或卡死了,也有可能是驱动轴断裂了。If confirmed that no flow pump output, could be turned to the pumps due to pump installation is wrong, wrong, or suction side (liquid into the mouth and suck liquid pipeline jam, export check valve installed backwards, or card is dead, it is possible that the drive shaft fracture.
高粘度泵在转速过低时会引起出液量不足,这种现象往往是由于泵的驱动装置打滑或功率不足所致。此时应检查齿 轮泵的实际转速、泵与电动机的联接及功率匹配情况等。High viscosity pump in low speed can cause insufficient quantity of produced liquid, this phenomenon is often due to the slippage of the pump drive or insufficient power.Check the gear wheel pump at this time of the actual speed, pump and motor connection and power matching, etc.
高粘度泵在开始运转前,往齿轮泵的壳体内灌满待输送的液体,便于安全启动。若环境温度低于冰点,应预先向泵内通入热蒸汽,进行预热处理,然后才可启动齿轮泵。高粘度泵的旋转方向要与进、出油口相符。齿轮泵若是 次运行,或长期闲置后再使用,在空载或小负荷情况下先跑合一小时左右。如果在跑合阶段预先觉察出异常温升、泄漏、振动和噪声时,应停机检查。高粘度齿轮泵的支座或法兰与其驱动电机应采用共同的安装基础,基础、法兰或支座均需具有足够的刚度,以减小齿轮泵运转时产生的振动和噪声。电动机与齿轮泵须用弹性联轴器连接,同轴度小于0.1毫米,倾斜角不得大于1度。安装联轴器时不得用锤敲打,以免伤害齿轮泵的齿轮等零件。若用带轮、链轮等驱动时应设托架支承,以防主动齿轮轴承受径向力。紧固齿轮泵、电动机的地脚螺钉时,螺钉受力应均匀,连接可靠。用手转动联轴器时,应感觉到齿轮泵能够轻松地转动,没有卡紧等异常现象出现,然后才可以配管。
高粘度齿轮泵的吸油管道内径应足够大,并避免狭窄通道或急剧拐弯、减少弯头,去除不必要的阀门、附件,尽可能地降低泵的安装高度,缩短吸油管道的长度,以减少压力损失。管接头等元件的密封要良好,以防止空气侵入,从而控制气穴与气蚀的发生。止回阀与安全阀在齿轮泵的输出管路上安装一个止回阀。这样在检修泵及输出管道时,系统中的液体不会发生倒流。齿轮泵带负荷停车时,亦可防止泵倒转而在其输出管道内产生局部真空。应当注意,出口止回阀不能装反或出现卡死现象。高粘度泵的出口管路上还应当设置安全阀等保护装置,这样一旦泵的出口通道发生堵塞,就可以打开安全阀卸压。安全阀可以与泵体或泵盖铸成一体,也可以单独装配。对于需要正反转的高粘度齿轮泵,其进出口管路上均需设置安全阀。High viscosity gear pump oil suction pipe diameter should be large enough, and to avoid the narrow channel, or a sharp turn, reducing elbow, remove unnecessary valves, fittings, as much as possible to reduce the installation height of pump, shorten the length of the oil suction pipe, in order to reduce the pressure loss.Components, such as pipe joint sealed well, in order to prevent the air intrusion, thus control air-pocket and the occurrence of cavitation.Check valve and relief valve on the output of the gear pump tube had better install a check valve.In the overhaul pump and output pipe, the system of fluid backflow will not occur.Gear pump to stop loading machine, can be in the output pipe to prevent pump reverse, and create a partial vacuum.It should be noted that the outlet check valve cannot be installed backwards or stuck.High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.The relief valve can be cast and pump body and pump cover, also can separate assembly.For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve.
高粘度泵是输送高粘度液体的齿轮泵,应做到在较低的功耗、较少的泄漏、较大的压力下输出 多的流量。在确定所要输送的介质时,应该严格遵循产品说明书上的规定,尽量使用厂家推荐的流体介质,并注意考虑系统的工作温度范围。当希望在某一较宽的温度范围内使用时,输送介质的粘度指数应该高些。输送介质不仅是能量传递的中介,而且也是润滑、密封及传热介质。液体粘度过高会增加内摩擦阻力,降低输出功率,浪费能量,并产生过高的系统温度.高粘度齿轮泵的出口管路上应当设置安全阀等保护装置,这样一旦泵的出口通道发生堵塞,就可以打开安全阀卸压。对于需要正反转的高粘度齿轮泵,其进出口管路上均需设置安全阀。
1、工作压力的选定1, select the work pressure
高粘度泵额定的压力是指泵连续工作时的 高许用压力,而其工作压力则决定于外部负载,安装和调试的寿命与其工作压力直接相关。对于不频繁工作的齿轮泵,其工作压力可取为泵的额定压力,考虑到产品质量不同,将额定压力降低2030使用。对于经常工作于较高压力下的齿轮泵,其工作压力应比泵的额定压力低12个压力级。石油化工设备常常是24小时连续运转,这时泵的工作压力应该取得比额定压力低得多,且工作转速也应该低于额定转速。如果高粘度齿轮泵的工作压力调整过高,则会使齿轮泵在超负荷下运行。High viscosity pump rated pressure refers to the maximum allowable pump continuous work pressure, and its working pressure is determined by the external load, installation and commissioning of life is directly related with work pressure.For not frequent work gear pump, the working pressure is desirable for the rated pressure of the pump, taking the quality into consideration, it is best to used pressure rated lower 20 30.For often work under high pressure gear pump, the working pressure shall be lower than the rated pressure of the pump 1 2 pressure level.Petrochemical equipment are often 24 hours of continuous operation, and at this time of the pump working pressure should be obtained was much lower than the rated pressure, and the work speed should be lower than the rated speed.If the high viscosity gear pump high pressure adjustment, will make the pump running under overload.
2.安装与试运转2. Installation and commissioning
高粘度泵的支座或法兰与其驱动电机应采用共同的安装基础,基础、法兰或支座均需具有足够的刚度,以减小齿轮泵运转时产生的振动和噪声。电动机与齿轮泵须用弹性联轴器连接,同轴度小于0.1毫米,倾斜角不得大于1度。安装联轴器时不得用锤敲打,以免伤害齿轮泵的齿轮等零件。若用带轮、链轮等驱动时应设托架支承,以防主动齿轮轴承受径向力。紧固齿轮泵、电动机的地脚螺钉时,螺钉受力应均匀,连接可靠。用手转动联轴器时,应感觉到齿轮泵能够轻松地转动,没有卡紧等异常现象出现,然后才可以配管。高粘度齿轮泵的吸油管道内径应足够大,并避免狭窄通道或急剧拐弯、弯头,去除不必要的阀门、附件,尽可能地降低泵的安装高度,缩短吸油管道的长度,以减少压力损失。管接头等元件的密封要良好,以防止空气侵入,从而控制气穴与气蚀的发生。在开始运转前,往齿轮泵的壳体内灌满待输送的液体,便于安全动。若环境温度低于冰点,应预先向泵内通入热蒸汽,进行预热处理,然后才可启动齿轮泵。齿轮泵的旋转方向要与进、出油口相符。齿轮泵若是 次运行,或长期闲置后再使用,在空载或小负荷情况下先跑合一小时左右。如果在跑合阶段预先觉出异常温升、泄漏、振动和噪声时,应机检查。高粘度泵的出口管路上还应当设置安全阀等保护装置,这样一旦泵的出口通道发生堵塞,就可以打开安全阀卸压。对于需要正反转的高粘度齿轮泵,其进出口管路上均需设置安全阀。


¥ 5640.00
¥ 5640.00
