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洪水期水库漂浮物拦截浮筒 推荐水电站拦污排型号
根据不同的电站规模,水流速及不同的地理环境,为您推荐一款适合自己的拦污排装置,该产品免维护,使用寿命长造价合理,得到众多电厂业主的一致好评,现全国均有案例,详细请咨询。产品介绍: 塑料浮体,外壳由韧性优异的中密度聚乙烯制成,内充高强度聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。结构合理,性能优异。作为疏浚行业水上排泥管线的漂浮材料成为传统钢浮筒的替代产品。塑料浮体以其质量轻、浮力大, 冲击,耐酸碱等腐蚀,吸水度低,施工维修简单方便,并且能在-60度到80度之间长时间正常工作,所以被广泛用于海洋、抽沙船,疏浚管道水上设备铺设。
洪水期水库漂浮物拦截浮筒 推荐水电站拦污排型号
Reasonable structure and excellent performance. As a floating material of water sludge pipeline in dredging industry, it has become a substitute for traditional steel buoy. Because of its light weight, high buoyancy, impact resistance, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, low water absorption, simple and convenient construction and maintenance, and being able to work normally for a long time between - 60 degrees and 80 degrees, plastic floating bodies are widely used in the laying of marine, sand dredging boats and water equipment of dredging pipelines.
洪水期水库漂浮物拦截浮筒 推荐水电站拦污排型号
¥ 848.00 ~ ¥ 850.00