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慈溪抽沙船浮体 孔径150mm管道浮桶厂家
为滚塑一体成型之产品,具有无焊、无缝、无毒、无气味、易清洗、搬运灵活之优点。性能:一次成型内外光滑,具有良好的卫生性与抗紫外线能力,耐撞击。抗强震,不易老化,不长水藻,易清洗,防鼠,防白蚁,安装移动方便。1、拦污漂排的基本结构和特性漂排系统由上、下游槽形轨道,支承装置及过渡装置和若干节双浮筒构成的链形拦污漂排组成。浮筒下部装有可拆卸的拦污格栅。漂排支撑点连线与水流夹角为60o70o左右,上游轨道安装在水库靠发电机进水口一侧岩坡轨道梁钢筋砼柱内,下游轨道梁的钢筋砼柱则通过锚固和现场浇筑与大坝闸墩柱连成一体。溪市柏泰塑料容器有限公司有着专业的滚塑制品生产技术,顺应市场需求,经过我们技术开发部的精心努力,已研发出50余种海上水上浮体,浮筒,浮标,等产品长春水库清淤管道浮筒 2片组合夹管子浮体批发
慈溪抽沙船浮体 孔径150mm管道浮桶厂家
1. 韧性好,抗冲击性能优异,尤其适合于海上施工。 2. 重量轻,便于安装和搬运,运输成本低。 3. 耐腐蚀,寿命长,目前我厂的 批浮体已使用5年, 4. 价格低,性价比明显优于钢浮筒。
疏浚管道配套浮筒 宁波315管道浮体厂家销售价格It has the advantages of no welding, seamless, non-toxic, odorless, easy cleaning and flexible handling. Performance: Smooth inside and outside of one forming process, good hygiene and anti-ultraviolet ability, impact resistance. Strong earthquake resistance, not easy to aging, no algae, easy to clean, rat, termite, easy to install and move. 1. The basic structure and characteristics of anti-fouling and drifting system is composed of a chain anti-fouling and drifting system consisting of upper and lower trough track, supporting device and transition device and several double buoys. The lower part of the buoy is provided with a detachable trash barrier. The angle between the drifting support point and the flow is about 60o70o. The upstream track is installed in the reinforced concrete column of the rock slope track beam on the side of the reservoir near the generator intake. The reinforced concrete column of the downstream track beam is connected with the dam pier column by anchoring and field pouring. Xishi Baitai Plastic Container Co., Ltd. has a professional production technology of rotational plastic products, to meet the market demand, through the meticulous efforts of our Technical Development Department, has developed more than 50 kinds of floating bodies, buoys and buoys on the sea.

慈溪抽沙船浮体 孔径150mm管道浮桶厂家
¥ 478.00 ~ ¥ 480.00
