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规格: QX105403
成都赛德维尔空压机有限公司供应QX105403登福空压机润滑油 AEON4000 PLUS格兰登福压缩机油价格/报价/规格/型号/图片/厂家,质量保证,欢迎咨询洽谈,了解富达空压机配件经销商、生产厂家、原产地、批发商等请电话详询。
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Gardner Denver AEON 6000 Food Grade
Gardner Denver AEON 6000 Food Grade食品级是一个PAO混合,授权美国农业部在联邦检查的肉类和禽类加工厂的H-1认证的润滑油使用。它符合FDA 21 CFR178.3570-润滑油偶然食品接触的。
Gardner Denver AEON 6000 Food Grade is a PAO (polyaphaolefin) blend, authorized by the USDA as an H-1 approved lubricant for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. It complies with FDA 21 CFR178.3570 -- lubricants for incidental food contact. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON AC SY
Gardner Denver AEON AC SY是一种高级双酯润滑油这让几乎没有积碳。非常适合在100 %占空比应用。高粘度指数提供了优越的性能在高温和低温应用。延长寿命,全合成润滑油;延长阀门的使用寿命,由于积碳的几乎完全消除;减少油结转。
Gardner Denver AEON AC SY is a premium grade diester lubricant which leaves virtually no carbon deposits. Excellent for use in duty cycle applications. High viscosity index offers superior performance in both high and low temperature applications. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON AC FG
Gardner Denver AEON AC FG是由农业部批准为适合食品偶尔接触的H - 1认证的润滑油。食品级,延长寿命往复润滑剂,优异的抗乳化性,便于冷凝分离。
Gardner Denver AEON AC FG is authorized by the USDA as an H-1 approved lubricant suitable for incidental food contact. Food grade, extended life reciprocating lubricant,Excellent demulsibility for easy condensate separation. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON 5000
Gardner Denver AEON 5000是一种长寿命,特级,半合成润滑油,可提供变化的延长时间间隔。推荐用于工业应用的环境温度可以低于-20 ? F。AEON 5000降低润滑油消耗和结转,同时保持后冷却器清洁和效率。气门积碳几乎完全消除,从而显著节约了维护成本。
Gardner Denver AEON 5000 is a long-life, premium grade, semi-synthetic lubricant that provides extended time intervals between changes. It is recommended for use in industrial applications where ambient temperatures can be below -20?F. AEON 5000 reduces lubricant consumption and carry over while maintaining aftercooler cleanliness and efficiency. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON 500
Gardner Denver AEON 500是一种高级的,非洗涤剂,石油润滑剂。它是专门混合和推荐用于工业往复式压缩机“曲轴箱和汽缸的使用。AEON 500的高粘度指数提供足够的润滑在很宽的工作温度范围。防锈剂保护曲轴箱润滑的部件,而抗氧化剂防止在正常保养周期石油的降解。
Gardner Denver AEON 500 is a premium grade, non-detergent,petroleum lubricant. It is specifically blended and recommended for use in industrial reciprocating compressors’ crankcases and cylinders. AEON 500’s high viscosity index provides adequate lubrication over a wide operating temperature range. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON 9000SP
Gardner Denver AEON 9000SP是一个高级保护PAO(聚α-烯烃)/ MFSE (多功能合成酯)共混配方与久经考验的添加剂成分。其结果是优异的热稳定性和氧化稳定性。 AEON 9000SP非常适用于需要延长运营时间间隔。其配方为抗乳化性和**佳的粘度在压缩机整个工作温度范围。
Gardner Denver AEON 9000SP the result is superior thermal and oxidative stability. AEON 9000SP is ideal for applications which require extended operating intervals. It is formulated for demulsibility and optimum viscosity over the compressors entire operating temperature range. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON BIO
Gardner Denver AEON BIO是一个混合多酯,寿命长的合成润滑油,易于生物降解;实现**大工作效率。AEON BIO即使在这些极端条件下油泥和漆膜。可回收与准矿物油回收利用系统和技术。此外,概无成分被发现在OSHA的列表有害物质。
Gardner Denver AEON BIO is especially advantageous in applications where it is exposed to elevated temperatures for extended periods of time. AEON BIO resists forming sludge and varnish even under these extreme conditions. AEON BIO is formulated to be recyclable with standard mineral oil recycling systems and technology. Also, none of the ingredients are found on OSHA’s list (29CFR 1910.1200) of hazardous materials. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON 4000
Gardner Denver AEON 4000是一种半合成,加氢处理的严重润滑油,配方独特专利的抗氧化剂包。它提供了出色的热稳定性和氧化稳定性,同时**大限度地降低漆膜的形成。寿命测试表明一个服务间隔长达比可比石油基润滑剂,视乎个别压缩机的特点和环境条件的三倍。
Gardner Denver AEON 4000 is a semi-synthetic,severely hydrotreated lubricant formulated with a unique patented anti-oxidant package. It offers outstanding thermal and oxidation stability, while minimizing varnish formation. Life tests indicate a service interval up to three times longer than that of comparable petroleum based lubricants, depending on inpidual compressor characteristics and ambient conditions. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON 2000
Gardner Denver AEON 2000是一个融合了高纯度烃类基础油和特殊添加剂混合,提供经济运行和使用寿命旋转式螺杆压缩机系统。AEON 2000提供了优异的氧化稳定性,粘度控制,冷凝的抗乳化性和低泡沫倾向。这种半合成液是一个很好的替代车用润滑油,工业液压油,汽轮机油。
Gardner Denver AEON 2000 is a blend of highly purified hydrocarbon base stocks and specially blended additives which provide economical operating and service life in rotary screw compressor systems. AEON 2000 offers superior oxidation stability, viscosity control, condensate demulsibility and low foaming tendencies. This semi-synthetic fluid is an excellent alternative to automotive lubricants, industrial hydraulic and turbine oils. www.liaoyangruibo.com
Gardner Denver AEON 800
Gardner Denver AEON 800是由特殊的高品质基础油组合使用粘度指数改进剂,抗氧化剂,抗磨剂,去垢剂配制。它的高粘度指数和低倾点确保良好的流油冷起动过程中,同时保持较高的环境条件下,食品的润滑。
Gardner Denver AEON 800 is formulated from special high quality base oils combined with viscosity index improvers, antioxidants, anti- wear agents, detergents and defoamants. Its high viscosity index and low pour point ensure good oil flow during cold starting while
**小压力阀 201EDM527 GD登福S250/300/350
V型过滤器 82 E50 GD登福S250/300/350
油过滤器 2118345 GD登福S250/300/350
空滤 2118349 GD登福S250/300/350
油气分离器 302EAU035 GD登福S250/300/350
气动泄放阀 90AR1083 GD登福S250/300/350
压力调节阀 88H139 GD登福S250/300/350
进气阀维修包 201SSU6003 GD登福S250/300/350
油冷却器 QX100280 GD登福S250/300/350
后冷却器 QX100281 GD登福S250/300/350
油滤芯盖子 2118343 GD登福S250/300/350
压力调节阀 91B81 GD登福S250/300/350
IVO电磁阀 91B43 GD登福S250/300/350
IVC电磁阀 91B70 GD登福S250/300/350
BOV电磁阀 361EAQ861 GD登福S250/300/350
TV电磁阀 AEON4000SP GD登福S250/300/350
空压机油 4000h AEON9000SP GD登福S250/300/350
空压机油 9000h S300 GD登福S250/300/350
机头 302EAU1173 GD登福S250/300/350
控制面板 302EAU1173 GD登福S250/300/350
温控阀芯 2109365 GD登福S250/300/350
单向阀 90AR261 GD登福S250/300/350
赛德维尔空压机有限公司是QX105403登福空压机润滑油 AEON4000 PLUS格兰登福压缩机油实力供应商,我们将竭诚为您服务!


QX105403登福空压机润滑油 AEON4000 PLUS格兰登福压缩机油
¥ 1399.00
¥ 1399.00
