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可售数量: 10台
■ 控制系统采用 可编程控制器I/O PLC模块等高端电气配件制造,性能可靠、后期维护成本低;
The control system adopts the high-end electrical parts such as programmable controller I/O PLC module, which has reliable performance and low maintenance cost.
■ 密封及软连接部分采用特氟龙制造,耐溶剂,耐酸碱,寿命长;
The sealing and soft connection uses Teflon, which is solvent resistant, acid and alkali resistant and has long service life.
■ 系统采用两段式大、小料可调灌装方式,提高了准确度及生产能力;
The system adopts two-stage adjustable filling mode for the large and small materials, which improves the accuracy and productivity.
■ 目标量自由设定,适应多种重量范围的定量灌装;
The filling quantity can be set freely, which is suitable for quantitative filling in various weight ranges.
■ 全触摸屏英文动画操作,全示教模式操作引导、可显示目标量、灌装量、桶数、累计量等信息;
Full Touch Screen is English Animation Operation, Full Teaching Mode Operation Guidance, Display Target Quantity, Filling Quantity, Bucket Number, Cumulative Quantity and so on.
■ 系统采用全英文向导式操作,记忆工作组参数、及配方。 存储100组参数、。
The system uses all-English guided operation to memorize working group parameters and formulas. Maximum storage of 100 sets of parameters,.
■ 设备可扩展以太网接口/DP/NET接口,方便后期工厂数据集中控制与集成监控。
The device can extend the Ethernet interface/DP/NET interface to facilitate centralized control and integrated monitoring of factory data in the later stage.
■ 灌装物料名称: 脂、溶剂、涂料、油漆等。
■ 包装重量:30KG
■ 小感量:10g
■ 灌装误差: 0.2%
■ 灌装速度:100-150pcs/h(关联人工上桶操作速度,及供料速度)
■ 控制方式:3挡控制(快、中、慢)
■ 灌装方式: 液面上
■ 秤台尺寸:350*350mm
■ 灌装嘴管路: SS316L不锈钢及特氟龙
■ 结构材质: SUS304不锈钢
■ 滚筒材质:复合不锈钢
■ 管路压力:0.2-0.6MPa(与料性有关)。
■ 物料接口:DN40法兰,可指定(物料及供料后端管道由贵方提供)
■ 气源接口:用户提供8mm气管接头,用于快速接头连接
■ 使用电源:AC220/50Hz(用户提供至机器一侧)
■ 使用气源:0.4-0.8Mpa(用户提供至机器一侧)
■ 使用温度:-10℃-50℃
Basic parameters
Filling material name: grease, solvent, paint, etc.
Packaging weight: 30KG
Minimum Sensitivity: 10g
Filling accuracy: 0.2%
Filling speed: 100-150 pcs/h (Relevant to manual barreling operation speed and feeding speed)
Control mode: 3 gear control (fast, medium and slow)
Filling method: liquid surface
Scale size: 350*350 mm
Gun Head Pipeline: SS316L Stainless Steel and Teflon
Structural Material: SUS304 Stainless Steel
Drum Material: Composite Stainless Steel
Pipeline pressure: 0.2-0.6 MPa (related to material properties).
Material Interface: DN40 Flange, which can be specified (Material and back-end piping supplied by you)
Gas Source Interface: Users provide 8mm tracheal connectors for fast connection
Power supply: AC220/50Hz (user supplied to machine side)
Use of gas source: 0.4-0.8 Mpa (user supplied to machine side)
Temperature: - 10- 50.

苏州道东 防爆型油漆灌装压盖一体机 自动称重灌装机 DG-FB-25L
¥ 49500.00 ~ ¥ 50000.00
