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荣计达TSY-8耐静水压与渗透系数测定仪 土工合成材料抗渗仪


¥ 18000.00



可售数量: 100台










The geosynthetic material permeability coefficient tester is based on SL / T235-1999, JTGE50-2006, GB / T19979.2-2006, anti-seepage performance of geosynthetics. The ** standard research and design of permeability coefficient It is suitable for measuring the permeability coefficient of various geotechnical materials, with stable performance and convenient and practical.












Technical parameters of geosynthetic material permeability coefficient tester:

★ Accuracy 0.5%

★ Multi-hole plate through hole ф3mm

★ Water trap diameter ф200mm

★ A large pressure 2.5MPa

★ Sample size ф200mm, effective cross-sectional area ≥200cm

★ Automatic water supply by pressure pump, voltage 380v

★ Pressure adjustment range: 0 ~ 2.5MPa

★ External dimensions: 600X750X1200mm

★ Machine weight: 150Kg



★压力设定:开机后按设定键“回”按移位键“>”   再按调整键“+”和“--”再调整数值,调好后,按设定键“回”存入。再调整完下限数值后,按设定键可退出。8小时下限上升为0.1MPa 时间清除:重新做实验,持续按“--”键不释放,**先显示时间值,10秒后时间可从0小时开始,“!”工作时A误按。     




★将试样无褶皱地放在集水器内的网上,溢出多余水以确保夹样器内无气泡;将多孔板盖上,均匀地夹紧试样。 注:对于由纺织材料与膜材复合的试样,应使膜材一侧面对水面;对于两面是纺织材料而膜处于中间的复合材料,可将试样面对水面一侧边缘被夹持环形部分的纺织材料小心地剥去,也可在相应部分涂上玻璃胶等粘合剂,以确保被夹持部分不漏水。






Installation and use of geosynthetic material permeability coefficient tester:

★ Pressure setting: After setting, press the setting key "Back", press the shift key ">", and then press the adjustment keys "+" and "--" to adjust the value. After adjustment, press the setting key "Back" to save . After adjusting the lower limit value again, press the set key to exit. The lower limit of 8 hours rises to 0.1 MPa. Time to clear: Re-do the experiment and continue to press the "--" key without releasing. ** The time value is displayed first. The time can be started from 0 hours after 10 seconds. When "!" Is pressed, A is wrong.

★ Time check: press "-" key, the pressure will change to hour display, the upper limit is minute, and the lower limit is second. After 30 seconds return to the pressure display,

★ Zero adjustment: If it does not return to zero when there is no pressure after starting, press it once to set it to zero. Do not press the zero key when there is pressure, reset to zero after depressurizing.

★ Open the water injection cover and add pure water until the water tank is full. Start the pressurization and open the pressure regulating valve to allow the water to flow into the high pressure warehouse chassis to just overflow.

★ Place the sample on the net in the water collector without wrinkles, and overflow the excess water to ensure that there are no air bubbles in the sample holder; cover the porous plate and clamp the sample evenly. Note: For the sample composed of textile material and film material, one side of the film material should face the water surface; for a composite material with two sides of textile material and the film in the middle, the edge of the sample facing the water surface can be clamped in a ring Part of the textile material is carefully peeled off, and adhesives such as glass glue can be applied to the corresponding part to ensure that the clamped part does not leak.

★ Slowly adjust the water inlet valve to increase the water pressure in the sample holder to 0.1 MPa. If the approximate range of the hydrostatic pressure resistance of the sample can be estimated, the water pressure can be directly added to the lower limit of the range to start the test. Maintain the above pressure for at least 1 h, and observe whether water is seeping out of the wells of the multiwell plate. If the sample does not leak water, press the pressure step by step at every 0.1 MPa step, and each step is maintained for at least 1 hour, until the water seeps out, it indicates that the sample has water seepage holes or cracks have occurred. The hydrostatic pressure resistance of the sample is ** to 0.1MPa.

★ If the device specified in GB / T19979.2 is used, the water seepage flow is used to judge whether water seepage occurs. Under a certain hydraulic pressure difference, the seepage flow is ** hours, then no water seepage can be considered. When the seepage flow increases rapidly, it indicates that the sample has seepage holes or damage has occurred, and the test can be terminated.

Note: When water droplets appear in the holes of the perforated plate, if there is no more water leakage after wiping it off, it can be judged that this is caused by the overflow of the edge of the sample, and the test can be continued; if it is still wiped off, Water seepage can be judged to be caused by water seepage of the sample, and the test can be terminated. If it is only necessary to determine whether the sample has reached a specified hydrostatic pressure resistance value, it can be directly pressurized to this pressure value and maintained for at least 1 hour. If there is no water seepage, it is judged that it meets the requirements. The hydrostatic pressure resistance of the remaining samples was determined according to the procedure. If the three values differ greatly (the lower two values differ by more than 50%), the test specimen should be increased.

★ The low A value among the measured hydrostatic pressure resistance values of the above 3 samples is taken as the hydrostatic pressure resistance value of the sample; if the measured value exceeds 3, the average value of the 2 values of low A is calculated, if there is only 1 If the value is lower and more than 50% below the second lowest value, the value should be discarded.

★ The calculation of test results is carried out according to relevant standards.



Geosynthetic material permeability coefficient tester is finished, open the high-pressure warehouse water valve, clean the instrument shows that the normal test chamber gland, high-pressure warehouse chassis, perforated plate is dried and coated with anti-rust grease, if the equipment is not used for a long time, you can open the host The water drain valve at the bottom right releases all the water inside the system to prevent frost cracking.

类型 检测设备
品牌 荣计达
型号 TSY-8
外形尺寸 600X750X1200mm
产品用途 耐静水压与渗透系数测定仪




  • 13761118616

  • 021-61997300


荣计达TSY-8耐静水压与渗透系数测定仪 土工合成材料抗渗仪

¥ 18000.00




