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规格: 15-300
QB 系列产品是我厂广泛地吸取国内外阀门控制的先进经验而设计的新一代产品。具有结构紧凑、性能可靠、调整方便等特点。性能指标达到JB/T8528-1997 标准。该系列产品用于阀瓣做部分回转的阀门,如球阀、蝶阀、风门等,是对阀门实现远控、集控和自控的必不可少的驱动装置,是工业管道系列控制中的重要单元,广泛应用于电站、石油、化工、冶金等行业。
型号 Type | 电机Motor | 转速Output speed | 控制 转矩Max control torque N·m | 小控制 转矩Min Control torque N·m | 阀杆直径Dia of stem mm | 速比 Ratio | 重量Weightkg | ||
功率Power kW | 电流Current A | 1r/min | 2r/min | ||||||
额定转矩 Rated torque (N·m) | |||||||||
QB12.5 25 | 0.03 | 0.25 | 125 | >125 | 62.5 | 22 | 63 | 30 | |
0.05 | 0.45 | 125 | |||||||
0.05 | 0.45 | 250 | >250 | 125 | 28 | ||||
0.09 | 0.63 | 250 | |||||||
QB50 100 | 0.09 | 0.63 | 500 | >500 | 250 | 42 | 47 | 50 | |
0.18 | 1.0 | 500 | |||||||
0.18 | 1.0 | 1000 | >1000 | 500 | 50 | ||||
0.25 | 1.4 | 1000 | |||||||
QB200 400 | 0.25 | 1.4 | 2000 | >2000 | 1000 | 60 | 53 | 95 | |
0.55 | 2.4 | 2000 | |||||||
0.37 | 1.8 | 3000 | >3000 | 1500 | 60 | ||||
0.55 | 2.4 | 4000 | >4000 | 2000 | 80 |
No | 故 | 障 | Troubles | 原 | 因 | Reasons | 排除方法 | Troubleshooting |
1 | 电动机不能启动 Motor does not start | 1.电源不通 Disconnected to power supply 2. 操 作 回 路 不 通Control circuit is dead 3.行程或力矩控制器开关动作Switches of limit or torque act. | 1.接通电源 Check power supply 2.排除回路故障 Circuit troubleshooting 3.解除动作开关 Eliminate the action of switches. | |||||
2 | 输出轴旋向与 规定要求相反 Motor is overheated | 电机电源相序不对 Phase of motor power is not in right phase sequence | 三相线中任意对调二相 Exchange any two of three phase | |||||
3 | 电机过热 Motor is overheated | 1.连续试车时间过长 Too long a time to continue operating 2.电装与阀门选配不当Motordoes not mate with the actuator 3.电机二相运转One phase is off | 1.停止试车,待电机冷却Stop trial operating to make motor cool 2.复核配套情况 Check the mating state 3.检查供电回路Check power circuit | |||||
4 | 运行中电机停转 Motor stops running during operation | 1.负载过大,力矩控制器失灵Actuators are over loaded and torque control works 2.阀门故障Valve is in trouble | 1.提高力矩控制器的设定值 Raise the preset value of torque 2.检查阀门Check valve | |||||
5 | 阀门到位电机不停 转,阀位指示灯不亮Motor doesn’t stoporlamp doesn’t light when valve reaches preset position | 1.行程或力矩控制器失灵 Limit or torque mechanism fails 2.行程控制器调整不当Travellimit is notproperset | 1.检查行程及力矩控制器Check limit or torque mechanism 2.重新调整行程控制器Reset travel limit | |||||
6 | 远方开度发信失控 Remote position signal is out of control | 远方开度电位器故障 Remote position potentiometerfails | 清洗或更新电位器 Clean or replace |


电动调节球阀 电子式执行器电动球阀 电动球阀Q941F-16C调节球阀 上海电动法兰球阀
¥ 1245.00 ~ ¥ 1546.00
¥ 1245.00
