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(PA12瑞士EMS CF7)PA12 CF7油杯专用料
(PA12瑞士EMS CF7)PA12 CF7油杯专用料
瑞士EMS TR 55 LX2 挤出、注射 超高韧性、尺寸性良好、高ESCR(抗应力裂纹)耐化学性、耐候性、热性、清晰
瑞士EMS TR 55 LY 挤出、注射 高韧性、尺寸性良好、高ESCR(抗应力裂纹)、低温韧性、耐候性、热性、清晰
PA12瑞士EMS 近几来以来,塑料原料价格的大幅度上扬,引发了塑料回收利用的再度兴旺.废旧塑料加工成颗粒后,只是改变了其外观形状,并没有改变其化学特性,依然具有良好的综合材料性能,可满足吹塑、拉丝、拉管、注塑、挤出型材等技术要求,大量应用于塑料制品的生产.我国是一个塑料消费的大国,各种使用过的塑料包装物、购物袋、塑料盆、塑料瓶等塑料废弃物随处可见,把这些回收起来用于再生产,不仅可减少环境污染,而且将使得相关企业大幅度降低原料成本,增加利润.在我国,塑料再生行业前景广阔.塑料业是国民经济的支柱之一,回收利用是塑料业持续发展的必由之路.塑料再生既可节约资源,缓解塑料原料供需矛盾,又可为环境保护作出重要贡献.据了解,一个中等城市一年产生的塑料废弃物,回收利用后可满足二十来家中小型塑料制品企业的原料需求.而我国这方面做得显然不够.原国家经贸委作过统计,九五期间,我国每年大约有1400万吨废旧塑料没有得到回收利用,回收利用率只有25%,直接资源浪费高达280亿元/年.
PA12瑞士EMS PA系列材料有很多种产品如:PA6、PA66、PA6T、PA9T、PA11、PA12、PA46等.其中PA12就是PA系列中的产品之一,其学名为聚十二内酰胺的PA12.其聚合的基本原料是丁二烯,可依赖于石油化工.是半结晶-结晶热塑性材料.它的特性和PA11相似,但晶体结构不同.再说PA12是很好的电气绝缘材料体并且和其他的聚酰胺一样不会因潮湿影响绝缘性能.
瑞士EMS TR 55 LZ 挤出、注射 非结晶、尺寸性良好、高ESCR(抗应力裂纹)、韧性良好、耐候性、热性、清晰
瑞士EMS XE3835 挤出成型 改良的抗撞击性、热性、中等粘度
瑞士EMS XE3915 注射成型 50%玻纤增强、尺寸性、抗撞击性、抗紫外线、耐化学性、热性、右更新资源、
Hua Yun Plastic company another PA 12 it has a good impact resistance to mechano-chemical stability. PA 12 has many improved varieties in plasticizing and enhancing properties. Compared with PA6 and PA66, these materials have lower melting point, lower density and higher moisture regain. Thus PA 12 has no resistance to strong oxidizing acid. The viscosity of PA 12 depends on its humidity, temperature and storage time. In addition, the fluidity of PA 12 is very good, which is one of the main performance characteristics of PA 12. Second, the industrial conditions of PA12 are very good, and the shrinkage of PA12 is generally between 0.5% and 2% , in general, the typical application of PA12 is mainly in cable sleeve, commercial equipment, water meter, sliding mechanism, mechanical cam, pv back plate, bearing, automobile, optical fiber, automobile brake brake pipe, air pressure equipment hose, transparent pipe, in industry, PA12 is mainly used in high pressure hydraulic pipe, pipe quick connection, and PA12 in the automotive industry is also more applications, such as the car's Anti-lock braking system, precision gears, as well as supplies such as gear, sports soles, tennis rackets and many other applications.


(PA12瑞士EMS CF7)PA12 CF7油杯专用料
¥ 80.00
