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可售数量: 100桶
Met-L-Chek Company manufactures a complete line of penetrants used in the fluorescent (Type 1) and visible (Type 2) dye penetrant inspection process. All Met-L-Chek Company penetrants are qualified to AMS-2644 and are sold under the Met-L-Chek® and Pen-Chek® trademarks. Met-L-Chek Company products are manufactured under license in The Netherlands by NDT Europa. FP-923 is approved to AMS-2644 as a fluorescent (Type 1); Methods “A”, and “C”; sensitivity level 3 water washable inspection penetrant. For Method “C” applications it is used with E-59, E-59A, R-503, and R-504. FP-923 is applied by immersion, spray, or wipe on. It is approved for high sensitivity aerospace applications. FP-923 is listed on the Qualified Products List for AMS-2644. It meets the requirements of AMS- 2647, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section V, ASTM E-165, and ASTM E-1417, for penetrant inspection materials. It is low in sulfur and halogens and is safe for use on all metal surfaces.
Typical Physical Properties
Form: clear yellow green liquid
Density: 918 g/L Flash Point: > 93˚C (> 200˚F)
Viscosity 11.3 mm2 /s Water Tolerance:> 10 %
Water Content: < 1 %
Fluorescent Brightness: (AMS-2644 requirement > 90 %) 117.7%
Corrosion of aluminum: none Corrosion of carbon steel: none Corrosion of magnesium: none Corrosion of stainless steel: none Corrosion of titanium:
none Chloride content: < 100 ppm (0.01%)
Fluoride content: < 50 ppm (0.005%)
Sodium content: < 100 ppm (0.01%) Sulfur content: < 100 ppm (0.01%)
Mercury: none VOC’s: 0 g/L
Ozone layer depleting substances: none PCB’s: none


QPL-AMS-2644荧光渗透液 执行ASTM-E-1417
¥ 69500.00 ~ ¥ 78500.00
