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可售数量: 3台
Technical Proposal of MMD-PG100AS Roughness profiler
专注精密测量行业20年!Focus on R&D of precision measurement instruments since 1999,
通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证;ISO9001:2000 qualified
通过高新技术企业认证;High and new technology enterprise qualified
轮廓仪行业标准的起草单位;The Industry Standard of Contour Instrument participant
通过出口欧盟CE认证;CE Certificated
产品多样化:可根据客户需要订做;Wide-variety Product, and customizable
服务点:广州公司、西安公司、浙江办事处、江苏办事处、重庆办事处;山东办事处;Service sites
仪器测量原理Measurement Principle
● Cartesian coordinates, stylus contacts.
● High precision air floating guide rail –As the measuring datum of X coordinate to guarantee the linear moving accuracy in X direction.
● High precision digital sensor – to get signal of Z coordinate for measuring the profile of various precise mechanical piece part.
● Computer and windows-based MMD measuring program to process the measuring data, easy for printing and filing
测量功能Main Function
Dimension:Contains the horizontal distance, vertical distance, linear distance, radius and diameter
Angle: Horizontal Angle, vertical angle, cross angle
Position tolerance: contains the parallelism and perpendicularity
Form tolerance: contains the straightness, crown, circular arc profile
Auxiliary generation: contains the auxiliary point, auxiliary line, auxiliary circle
粗糙度分析:Ra,Rq,Rz(Ry),Rz(DIN),R3z,Rz(jis),Rp,Rv,Rt,Rsk,Rsm,Rc ,Rpm,RkuRdq,Roc,Mr1,Mr2,Rpk,Rvk,Rk,Rdc,A1,A2,R,Rx,AR,Rcp,Rmax,Rz-ISO等
原始轮廓 Pt Pa Pp Pv Pq Pc Pku Psk Pdq/p△q Psm Pdc Pmr(c) Pz Pmr C(pmr)等
技术参数Main Parameters
项目 Item | 参数 Parameter | 分辨率 | |
轮廓测量范围 Measurement range 测量精度 Measurement Accuracy | X轴axis | 100mm | 0.1μm |
直线度Straightness | 0.8μm /100mm | -------- | |
Z1(传感器量程)Sensor | 40mm(粗糙度量程同步) | 0.05μm | |
Z高度Height | 650mm | 立柱 | |
蕞小内孔Min. inner hole | 30mm (换小测针可测更小内径) | ---------- | |
线性精度 | ≤±(1+I0.12HI)μm | - ------ | |
圆弧 | ≤(1.2+R/8) | 2mm<R<10mm 的标准球,取样圆弧夹角为 120° | |
角度 | ≤±1.5′ | 60°、90°的角度块,角 边取样长度为 5mm | |
粗糙度部分 | 残值噪声 | ≤0.005μm | λc 为0.08mm,测量速度 为 0.1mm/s,测量平晶 |
粗糙度测量重复性 | 1δ≤2nm | 采用 Ra 为0.35-0.5μm 的方波标准件 | |
粗糙度示值误差Indication error | ±5% | 国标 | |
粗糙度示值稳定性Indicative stability | ≤±7% | 国标 | |
粗糙度测量重复性 Repeatability measurement | ±3% | 国标 | |
分辨率Resolution | 0.1μm | ---------- | |
产地Origin | 美国MicroE (America) | ------- | |
传感器 Sensor | 类型 Type | 光栅传感器 Digital grating sensor | ----------- |
分辨率Resolution | 0.05μm | ------- | |
产地Origin | 美国MicroE (America) | --------- | |
评定长度Assessment length | λc×3、4、5、6、7 | --------- | |
截止波长Cut-off wavelength | 0.025、0.08、0.25、0.8、2.5、8mm | ---------- | |
爬坡角度Climbing Ability | 上升77°(Upside), 下降88°(Downside) | ------- | |
测量速度Meas. Speed | 0.02mm至4.0mm/s | ---------- | |
测量方式Meas. Mode | 传感器移动Sensor moving | -------- | |
XZ1Z | 三轴电动控制 | 软件手柄都可控制 | |
电源Power | AC 220V±10% 50Hz | ------- | |
环境要求Environmental conditions | 相对湿度(RH):<85% 以上参数均在 20℃± 2℃,阶梯温度不超过2℃/h 和地面振动蕞大 RMS<50Hz 2.5μm/s 且RMS>50Hz 5.0μm/s 的环境下 测得 |
技术亮点Technical highlights
无需转换传感器、测针;实现一次测量 粗糙度、轮廓仪同时分析
No need to change sensors and needles; Simultaneous analysis of roughness and profilometer can be achieved at one time.
One measurement can analyze the roughness of different parts of the workpiece and improve the measuring efficiency.
Z1 axis adopts imported digital sensor with high precision and good linearity
简易的测针更换设计,一次安装,无需校正 Simple stylus replacement, one time installation, no need correction
软件支持中英文一键切换 Software supports one-click switching between Chinese and English
支持winXP、win7系统 Support winXP, win7 system
软件标注与CAD标注一样 Software annotation is the same as CAD
圆弧、线自动识别 Automatic Recognition of Arc and Line
Support DXF format file import and export, customize CAD format export
Support for continuous annotation, base annotation, and insert points randomly
支持图形自由旋转及坐标自由旋转 Support graphic and coordinate free rotation
原始数据自动保存,便于多次标注The original data can be saved automatically for multiple annotations.
镜像功能,可保存标注后文件 Mirror function to save annotated files
可对X、Z1轴当前位置进行监控 The current position of X and Z1 axes can be observed.
具有测针自动接触、自动抬起、自动回退功能 Stylus automatic contact, lifting and return .
可以对操作进行无限次的撤销及恢复操作 Indefinitely operation for Revoked and Restored
捕捉开关打开时,自动生成及捕捉交点、圆心 、线段中点、端点、圆弧交点、中点、切点等特征点
When the capture switch is turned on, it automatically generates and captures the characteristics of intersection point, circle center, line segment point, end point, arc intersection point, midpoint and tangent point.
Even in the case of non-proportional amplification, normal angle, arc, horizontal, vertical and linear labeling can be annotated normally.
设备尺寸Equipment size
使用要求Usage requirement
功率需求(Power): AC 220V±10% 50Hz
环境要求(Environment requirement):温度(T):10~30℃;相对湿度(RH):<85%
安装地点无明显振源 (No obvious vibration)
单独地线 (Independent grounding)
主要配置Main configuration
部件名称 Part Name | 项目名称 project name | |
机械部分 Mechanical Part | 主机仪器架 Host instrument stand x1 | |
大理石工作台面 Granite table: 1 | ||
导轨系统 floating guide rail: 1 | ||
方立柱系统 Up-right Column : 1 | ||
数字传感器 Digital Sensor: 1 | ||
调整工作台 Adjustment Table | 水平调整系统Horizontal adjustment device | |
回转及角度调试系统Rotation adjustment device | ||
平口装夹系统 Fixture | ||
校正标准件一套 Calibration Gauge : 1 set | ||
测头与测杆 Stylus and Probe | Φ3*21mm R0.025mm 斜测针 :2根 Φ3*21mm with R0.025mm slope tip: 2 pcs | |
Φ3*20mm R5μm 尖测针 :1根 Φ3*20mm with R5μm Needle probe: 1pcs | ||
Φ8*150mm 测杆: 1根, Φ8*150mm Probe: 1 pc | ||
电器部分 Electrical Part | 电器控制系统Electrical control system:1 | |
电脑(Computer)1 | ||
HP喷墨打印机(HP Inkjet Printer)1 | ||
测量软件(Software):1 |
Supplier is responsible for Installation and testing on user site.
The user will be trained in theory, operation and maintenance during installation, to that the user could operate the equipment skillful, and could solve the general trouble and make routine maintenance.
Acceptance criteria: According to the current national verification procedure and the technical agreement of the contract.
Acceptance items: check the supply list of the equipment. If there are any missing items or shortages, our company will make up for them free of charge.
Warranty period: 12 months from the date of equipment installation and acceptance, but not more than 15 months from the date of shipment.
Warranty period: Three guarantees, meanwhile providing free testing or technology consulting
After warranty: Providing service and support for life, and spare part with the best price, and if hardware support, the software updating free of charge.
Service response time: within 5 hours upon receipt of the fault request call, our company will guide the buyer to troubleshoot the fault by phone, WeChat or email. If the fault cannot be removed, technicians will be sent to solve the problem within 72 hours.


现货代理威而信粗糙度轮廓仪MMD-PG100AS 测量方便 粗糙度轮廓一体机
¥ 11.00万 ~ ¥ 12.00万
