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¥ 58.00

规格: 1.2mm 1.6mm
Dual Shield II 71 Ultra is an all-position flux cored wire that displays exceptional impact properties when used with CO2. The improved properties qualify this wire to the Navy's "HY" classification. The "Ultra" series produces smoother arc characteristics and lower welding fumes. Dual Shield II 71 Ultra was developed to join low and medium carbon steel. The Military classification allows Dual Shield II 71 Ultra to be used for attaching steels of less than 80 ksi (552 MPa) yield to HY-80 and HY-100. Commercial applications include construction, shipbuilding, railcar, and heavy equipment industries. Weld metal analysis is similar to an E7018 low hydrogen electrode.

伊萨低碳钢合金焊丝DUAL SHIELD II 71 ULTRA药芯气保焊丝
¥ 58.00
¥ 58.00
¥ 58.00
