


临颍德卡特新材料有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的企业。主营产品有:陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮、陶瓷金刚石周边磨、双端面研磨盘、金属结合剂金刚石修整滚轮等。 公司技术力量雄厚,产品开发能力强,不断的推陈出新、丰富产品系列,提高产品各项性能指标,满足机械加工新材料层出不穷,加工难度越来越高的要求。 公司在产品研发、工程设计、供应管理、生产一致性、售前、售中、售后服务等各过程、各工种、各岗位为制造精密的优良产品而倾情倾智。专心、贴心、及时、高效的服务,让我们的每个客户倍感使用德卡特产品的得心应手。 公司引进完善的检测设备,使得每批出厂产品都保持稳定的性能,并且我们能够为非标刀具客户提供量身定做的贴身服务。 公司遵循以出口为导向的销售策略,替代进口的产品方针,在严格质量体系和管理体系的控制下,公司的产品销售到世界上很多的国家和地区,得到客户的普遍认可。 Diacutt (zhengzhou) Superhard Tool Co.,ltd. is is a set of research and development, production, sales, services in one enterprise. The main products are: ceramic bonded diamond wheel, ceramic diamond edge grinding, double end surface grinding plate, metal bonded diamond dressing roller and so on. The company has strong technical force, strong product development capabilities, constantly introduce new and rich product series, improve the performance indicators of the products, meet the emerging new materials for machining, and become more and more difficult to process. The company in product research and development, engineering design, supply management, production consistency, pre-sale, sales, after-sales service and other processes, various types of work, all positions for the manufacture of precision and excellent products. Dedicated, thoughtful, timely and efficient service, so that each of our customers feel comfortable with the use of Decatur products. The company introduced perfect testing equipment, so that each batch of products are stable performance, and we can provide non-standard tool customers with tailor-made personal service. The company follows an export-oriented sales strategy and replaces imported products. Under the control of strict quality systems and management systems, the company's products are sold to many countries and regions in the world and are generally recognized by customers.
产品信息 共"16"条
公司名称 临颍德卡特新材料有限公司
公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
法定代表 宋会义
成立日期 2017-05-18
登记机关 漯河市临颍县市场监督管理局
注册资本 60.0人民币万元
税务登记号 411122000034342
注册地址 临颍县高速引线东段南侧
经营范围 超硬材料制品、机床工具、人造金刚石、硬质合金材料、五金交电、磨料磨具、电子电器、汽车零部件的生产及销售。
经营模式 生产厂家
主营行业 砂轮
经营地址 未来路航海路启航大厦D座1510室
主营产品或服务 陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮,陶瓷金刚石周边磨,陶瓷金刚石无心磨,双端面研磨盘,金属金刚石修整滚轮

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搜好货网 批发市场 优质供应商 临颍德卡特新材料有限公司