


佛山市管锈钢商贸有限公司是一家以佛山市升威制管模具机械有限公司为依托,以焊管制管机、焊管模具和不锈钢管材为主营业务,以相关业务为配套,具有自主进出口权的综合加工服务型商贸企业。 公司从工厂规划、设备采购、设备配套、安装培训、后期维护等时期为客户提供服务,让客户拥有舒适的采购服务。 公司自营项目有:焊管机、焊管模具、不锈钢管材,配套的设备产品有:钢卷冷轧机,钢卷退火炉、分条机、管材抛光机等,所经营的机械设备及产品具有厚实坚固,操控简便,精度相对高,几何形状好等特点,而且公司的整厂规划设计经验,也获得了众多买家的青睐,其中不乏国际品牌和地区品牌企业案例,均可供客户借鉴。真正实现了让客户买得放心,用的舒心,解决客户后顾之忧。 选金属加工设备-配件,请选择“管锈钢-升威"品牌! Foshan GuanXiuGang Trade Co., Ltd. is a company based on Foshan SENWEL Pipe Mould & Machinery Co., Ltd. mainly engaging in welding tube mill, pipe mould and stainless steel pipes. It is a comprehensive processing service-oriented commercial enterprise with independent import and export rights. The company provides one-stop service for customers from the aspects of factory planning, equipment procurement, equipment matching, installation training, and post-maintenance, which truly enables customers to realize one-stop shopping service enjoyment. The company's business scope includes: welding pipe making machine, pipe mould and high-end stainless steel pipes. We can also provide with upstream and downstream machinery which are: steel coil cold rolling mill, steel coil annealing furnace, steel coil slitting machine, pipe polishing machine etc.All kinds of mechanical equipment and products are strong and sturdy, easy to operate, high precision, good geometry and stable performance.In particular, the company's whole plant planning and design experience has won the favor of many buyers, including many international famous brands and regional brand enterprises, which are available for customers to learn from.We have truly realized that customers can buy the machine with confidence, use them with satisfaction, and trouble free in after service. Choose metal processing equipment-accessories, please identify the "GUANXIUGANG- SENWEL" brand, it's trustworthy for you!  
产品信息 共"0"条
公司名称 佛山市升威制管模具机械有限公司
公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
法定代表 覃振文
成立日期 2008-11-13
登记机关 佛山市南海区市场监督管理局
注册资本 3万人民币
税务登记号 440602000078686
注册地址 佛山市南海区狮山镇白沙桥(土名:沙冲朗)曾永亮厂房车间六A
经营范围 生产、加工、销售:焊管模具、焊接设备及配件、机械设备及配件、金属制品、五金配件。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
经营模式 生产厂家
主营行业 金属成型设备
经营地址 广东省佛山市南海区狮山镇白沙桥村第三工业区第一工业园
主营产品或服务 焊管机械设备,焊管模具,抛光机,内整平设备,固溶退火设备,金属管材加工机械设备,五金配件等

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搜好货网 批发市场 优质供应商 佛山市升威制管模具机械有限公司