


广州市车君子汽车零部件有限公司,主营点火线圈/高压包;喷油嘴/喷油器;各类传感器(空气流量计,曲轴传感器,凸轮轴传感器,氧传感器,轮速传感器/ABS传感器,速度传感器,气囊传感器/碰撞传感器,爆震传感器,胎压传感器,倒车雷达/电眼,节气门传感器,压力传感器,温度传感器),电磁阀/压力阀/VVT阀/废气泵等。 广州市车君子汽车零部件有限公司在汽车电喷零配件中已有十几年行业经验,本公司只专注电喷件,精益求精,本公司所有销售的每一个产品都必须经专业人士,专业检测设备严格测试,符合各项要求后才会交给客户。公司始终坚持将最高性价比,高品质产品交给客户,拒绝低劣产品。广州市车君子汽车零部件有限公司与多家品牌厂家,零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系,所经销的汽车配件、品种齐全、价格合理,畅销消费者市场,在消费者当中享有较高的地位。广州市车君子汽车零部件有限公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。在新的发展时期里,期待与更多的新老客户共同合作,共创多赢的局面。 Guangzhou car gentleman auto parts co., LTD., the main products ignition coil; Nozzle/fuel injector; All kinds of sensors (MASS AIR FLOW SENSOR crankshaft sensor, camshaft sensors, oxygen sensor, wheel speed sensor/ABS sensor, speed sensor, the airbag sensor/collision sensors, knock sensor, TPMS sensor, Parking sensor/electric eye, throttle sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, solenoid valve/pressure valve/VVT valve/waste air pump, etc. We have more than ten years of industry experience, focus on electronic fuel injection, strives for perfection. Our all the sales of each products must be the professional testing equipment, strict testing, comply with the requirements of the customers. We always adhere to the highest cost-effective, high quality products to customers, refused to the inferior products. We have numbers of brand manufacturers, retailers and agents established for long-term, stable relations of cooperation, the distribution of auto accessories, variety complete, reasonable price, best-selling consumer market, among consumers enjoy a higher status. Guangzhou car gentleman auto parts co., LTD., with strength, heavy credit, keep the contract, guarantee product quality, with many varieties management characteristic and the meager profit but high turnover principle, has won the trust of customers. In the new period of development, we look forward to working with more new and old customers work together, create a win-win situation.
产品信息 共"0"条
公司名称 广州市车君子汽车零部件有限公司
公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
法定代表 何文成
成立日期 2017-07-27
登记机关 广州市白云区工商行政管理局
注册资本 3万人民币
税务登记号 440111001346594
注册地址 广州市白云区机场路中意街9号215房自编B03
经营范围 汽车零配件批发;电子元器件批发;电子产品批发;商品批发贸易(许可审批类商品除外);互联网商品销售(许可审批类商品除外);汽车零配件零售;电子元器件零售;电子产品零售;商品零售贸易(许可审批类商品除外);
经营模式 生产厂家
主营行业 汽摩及配件
经营地址 广州市车君子汽车零部件
主营产品或服务 汽车配件,点火线圈,空气流量计,氧传感器,曲轴传感器,凸轮轴传感器,爆震传感器,喷油嘴/喷油器

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