


宁波市德思宏液压科技有限公司,是中国一家专业从事液压增压技术研发及产品制造的公司。德思宏对增压产品的研究项目发起于2008年,在充分吸纳及消化了进口产品技术的基础上,对液压增压器、增压缸等产品进行了诸多创新,使其延长使用寿命的同时,能适应于多种压力等级,大幅度降低了液压增压类产品成本,使液压增压类产品能全面服务于市场。德思宏产品主攻液压增压,现有多型号集成式液压增压器、自动化增压缸产品,广泛服务于工程机械、船舶行业、风电新能源行业、航空工业、石油工业、工具行业、以及注塑、锻压设备等行业中的设备。围绕液压增压器产品,德思宏还提供专业的液压油站系统,为不同行业的应用开发相应的专用液压泵站。 NingBo DeSiHom hydraulic Technology Co.,LTD,which is the manufacturer professional engaged in design,research and manufacture of hydraulic boosters. Our research launched in 2008, on the basis of fully absorbing international and domestic advanced booster technology, DeSiHom has implemented many innovations on the hydraulic booster and high pressure system, which prolongs the service life and at the same time, make them can be applied to varies of pressure rating, reduces the costs dramatically, to serve the market more comprehensively. DeSiHom’s product primarily in the area of boost, Now we manufacture a variety of models of integrated hydraulic boosters,automation pressure cylinders. Now our products are widely used in engineering machinery, ship building, wind power, new energy, aerospace, petroleum machinery,hydraulic tools, as well as injection molding, forging industry and other equipment. Around hydraulic booster, our company offer professional solutions to ultrahigh pressure for different industries, and design and manufacture special hydraulic system accordingly.
产品信息 共"7"条
公司名称 宁波市德思宏液压科技有限公司
公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
法定代表 黎美华
成立日期 2018-07-23
登记机关 宁波市北仑区市场监督管理局
注册资本 100万人民币
注册地址 浙江省宁波市北仑区新碶镇府路78号3号楼431室
经营范围 液压元件、液压系统、液压设备、电气系统、机电设备、电子产品、普通机械配件、电器设备、五金、工具的研发、批发、零售;普通机械配件、设备的研发及技术咨询服务、技术转让。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
经营模式 生产厂家
主营行业 减压阀
经营地址 新砌镇
主营产品或服务 液压增压器,油压增压器,液压增压阀,液压放大阀,液压转换器,超高压系统,模内热切时序控制器,超高压动力单元,超高压过滤器,超高压软管

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