


采通通会员6年 资质认证
泰州艾可瑞流体设备有限公司是德国vanode集团在中国成立的子品牌,专业从事板式换热器、阀门、流量计等蒸汽系统和水系统的产品研发和生产,已成为中国市场上传热领域的知名品牌。艾可瑞板式换热器广泛应用于工业化工,船舶,食品,供暖,钢铁和HVAC等领域,是传热系统方案的优秀提供者。 Taizhou Acare fluid equipment Co., Ltd is established in Germany vanode group Chinese sub brand, specializing in heat exchanger, valve, steam flow meter system and water system of product development and production, has become a hot market China upload a well-known brand in the field. Acar plate heat exchangers are widely used in chemical industry, shipbuilding, food, heating, steel and other areas of HVAC, is an excellent heat transfer system solutions provider. 我们的主要产品 Our main products 板式换热器,钎焊板式换热器,板式换热机组,截止阀,减压阀及电磁流量计。 Plate heat exchanger, brazed plate heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger, stop valve, pressure reducing valve and electromagnetic flowmeter. 我们的优势 Our advantages ●灵活多变的板片设计 ●为不同工艺优化设计 ●合理的造型设计,提高价格竞争力 ●贯穿售前、售中、售后系统式服务 ●Flexible plate design ●Optimize design for different process ●Reasonable design, so that your products more competitive prices ●through the pre-sale, sale, and after-sales system services 作为您的供应商,无论您来自哪个行业,我们不仅提供高品质的全系列换热器、阀门和电磁流量计,同时将根据您的系统提供全新的节能理念。艾可瑞始终秉承高效传热的理念,努力将蒸汽系统和水系统产品服务于更多的行业,让传热真正实现高效! As your supplier, no matter which industry you come from, we not only provide high quality full range of heat exchangers, valves and electromagnetic flowmeters, but also provide you with a new energy saving concept based on your system. Acare has always been adhering to the concept of efficient heat transfer, to steam system and water system of products and services in more industries, to realize efficient heat transfer!
产品信息 共"10000"条
公司名称 艾可瑞流体设备(江苏)有限公司
公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
法定代表 陆冬芹
成立日期 2017-06-27
登记机关 泰州市海陵区行政审批局
注册资本 1008.000000万人民币
税务登记号 321202000193434
注册地址 泰州市海陵工业园区共建区8号厂房330室
经营范围 流体设备、通用机械设备、仪表仪器销售,换热器及配件、换热机组、密封垫片的研发、销售、维修、清洗及技术服务,自动化控制系统设计、安装、调试,自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务(国家限定企业经营或禁止进出口的商品和技术除外)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
经营模式 生产厂家
主营行业 换热器,减压器
经营地址 区街共建厂房8号
主营产品或服务 板式换热器,板式换热器板片,板式换热器垫片,减压阀,疏水阀,电磁流量计

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搜好货网 批发市场 优质供应商 艾可瑞流体设备(江苏)有限公司