


苏州英格拉新材料有限公司,坐落在江南美丽的城市太仓市,占地30000平方,是一家集生产、加工、销售与一体的大型铜铝材综合企业,专注与铜铝材相关产品的研究与制造,有铜材事业部与铝材事业部组成。 主要产品有:高纯铜粒、铜排、铜线、铜球、铜米、铜带板管棒、及各种黄铜、青铜、白铜合金材;铝棒、铝管、铝排、铝型材、铝带及铝合金材。产品畅销国内外,以与近千家企业建立长期稳固的供需关系。 公司的企业精神:质量是产品的灵魂,诚信是人的灵魂。只要把这两项企业核心灵魂做好,伟大的事业一定会兴旺发达。 公司坚持以市场为导向,以客户需求为中心,以质量求发展,以品牌发展为方向,不断加强企业新产品、新材料开发力度,提高企业竞争力,致力于打造成全国知名的有色金属王国 Suzhou Engla New Material Co., Ltd., located in the beautiful city of Suzhou, covers an area of 30,000 square meters, is a large-scale comprehensive copper and aluminium enterprise integrating production, processing and sales. It focuses on the research and manufacture of products related to copper and aluminium materials. It consists of copper and aluminium enterprises The main products : copper grains, copper bars, copper strips, copper plates, copper tubes, copper rods, copper rice, pure copper balls, phosphorus copper balls and various copper alloy materials; aluminium rods, aluminium tubes, aluminium bars, aluminium profiles, aluminium strips. The products sell well both at home and abroad to establish a long-term and stable supply-demand relationship with nearly 1000 enterprises. Corporate spirit: Quality is the soul of products, integrity is the soul of people. As long as these two core souls of enterprises are well done, great undertakings will flourish. The company insists on market-oriented, customer-oriented, quality-oriented and brand-oriented development, constantly strengthens the development of new products and materials, improves the competitiveness of enterprises, and strives to build a well-known non-ferrous metal kingdom in China.
产品信息 共"8"条
公司名称 苏州英格拉新材料有限公司
公司类型 有限责任公司(自然人独资)
法定代表 朱玲
成立日期 2018-12-29
登记机关 太仓市市场监督管理局
注册资本 1000万人民币
税务登记号 320585000201812290007
注册地址 太仓市浮桥镇新港中路28-4号
经营范围 经销金属新材料、五金交电、电子产品、电器产品、建筑材料、机械设备及其零部件;国内贸易代理(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
经营模式 生产厂家
主营行业 铜及铜合金材
经营地址 浮桥镇新港公路28-4号
主营产品或服务 铜排 ,铜粒,铜线丝 ,铜板,铜球,铜带,锡青铜,铜管,黄铜棒

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搜好货网 批发市场 优质供应商 苏州英格拉新材料有限公司